Woman Wonders If She's The A-Hole For Reporting Coworker's Inappropriate Advances

The guy even invited her to go Netflix and chill with him.

Woman Wonders If She's The A-Hole For Reporting Coworker's Inappropriate Advances

Existing as a woman in this world is already tough. Even if we live in a country where women's rights are protected and respected, there are still numerous challenges that women face every day.

The struggle for equality and empowerment, both socially and economically, continues to be a journey of many obstacles. Take a look at the workplace as an example.

The gender pay gap is still prevalent. In 2020, The U.S. Census Bureau estimated that women earned 83 cents for every dollar men earned.

This is just one of the many issues faced by women in the workplace. Another existing problem is the inappropriate behaviors by men toward women.

Over at the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) subreddit, a woman shares this particular issue with the community. The original poster (OP) tells users that she and a coworker had to go to an event to work.

The male coworker kept flirting with her even though he knew that she had a boyfriend and was in a relationship himself. The guy even brought a drink that came in an expensive souvenir cup, which she paid back because she didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

Among his most alarming and inappropriate advances is when he tells her to go "Netflix and chill" with him if she gets tired. The OP decided to tell her boss about what happened because she didn't want to be partnered with him next time.

Now, she's wondering if the move makes her an a-hole.

The OP recently dealt with her coworker's inappropriate advances.

She decided to ask the AITA community for their judgment on the situation.

The OP recently dealt with her coworker's inappropriate advances.Reddit

The OP had to be partnered with a male coworker for a job at an event. He kept making inappropriate advances.

The OP had to be partnered with a male coworker for a job at an event. He kept making inappropriate advances.Reddit

After the whole affair, she decided to tell her boss about it.

She wonders if reporting the guy makes her the a-hole.

After the whole affair, she decided to tell her boss about it.Reddit

There's nothing wrong with the OP reporting her coworker. She needs to protect herself, even if that means the guy would get into trouble.

There's nothing wrong with the OP reporting her coworker. She needs to protect herself, even if that means the guy would get into trouble.Reddit

Men like these don't deserve polite treatment. She should've shut him down the moment he said "Netflix and chill."

Men like these don't deserve polite treatment. She should've shut him down the moment he said Reddit

One Redditor thinks that flat out confronting the guy could backfire as he might start gaslighting her.

One Redditor thinks that flat out confronting the guy could backfire as he might start gaslighting her.Reddit

One user suggests filing a written report to the boss and HR.

One user suggests filing a written report to the boss and HR.Reddit

One user suggests being straightforward with the guy, but is seemingly blaming the victim in this situation.

One user suggests being straightforward with the guy, but is seemingly blaming the victim in this situation.Reddit

The reality is that when women directly say no, it gets them into trouble too.

Other Redditors started shutting down the commenter for being naive.

The reality is that when women directly say no, it gets them into trouble too.Reddit

Women need to take steps to protect themselves if they sense something wrong with their interactions with a coworker. So, the OP's move to prevent being partnered with the guy was the right thing to do.

Reporting the male coworker doesn't make her an a-hole. She's even kind enough not to stir up an issue about it.

Let's hope her boss listens to her so that she doesn't have to deal with the guy's creepy and inappropriate attitude.
