Meet Rookie, A Dog Who Broke Down In Tears After Being Reunited With The Cow He Took As His Mom

All this pawrent wanted was to see his puppy happy

Meet Rookie, A Dog Who Broke Down In Tears After Being Reunited With The Cow He Took As His Mom

Animals have repeatedly shown that they share human empathy and emotional experiences. The way we cry when we’re hurt is the same way they shed tears too.

The same way we smile when something good happens is the same way they smile too. The same way we seek to be loved and have friends and family, the same way they want theirs too.

As difficult as it is for people to accept, animals have emotions as well. And from the strong ties that they have established between many species, we can all learn something. 

Such an incredible moment was witnessed by a family. A very strong bond has been observed between their dog and one of their cows.

They had no idea, though, that the link between these two different species could be so strong. However, they weren’t convinced of this bond until the cow was about to be sold off! 

It was discovered that most of the time, Rookie the dog spends his day with one of the big cows. Rookie is an active and jovial dog, but the cow was just like a mother to him.

Even in the cows' encounter, the two of them still shared a bed.

A family noticed a very close connection between their dog and one of their cows

A family noticed a very close connection between their dog and one of their cowsYouTube/Kritter Klub

Strangely, Rookie looked to be in a great deal of grief as the cow was removed to be sold off. He simply ignored all of his owner's calls and rushed after the vehicle into which the cow was loaded.

Rookie the dog and a large cow were spending most of the time together

Rookie the dog and a large cow were spending most of the time togetherYouTube/Kritter Klub

Being cut off from the person who raised him and treated him like a son was heartbreaking for Rookie. He completely lost all of his vigor, appetite, and passion. 

The owner could not bear to watch his dog be sad all day. He came to the conclusion that Rookie could only be the same again by doing one thing and one thing alone—the cow mother had to be brought back.

For Rookie, being separated from the one who raised him and treat him like a son, was heart-breaking

For Rookie, being separated from the one who raised him and treat him like a son, was heart-breakingYouTube/Kritter Klub

All that his owner wanted was to see his cherished canine happy once more, so he made the decision to bring her back despite the fact that the cow cost the family much more money. In addition to this, he also brought a tiny puppy, so Rookie would have a new friend who was also of his kind. 

Don’t worry, we have a video of the touching scene and you’ll get to see it as you keep scrolling. 

The video below captures the emotional moment so go ahead and watch it


As pet parents, we find out that we can do absolutely anything to put a smile on the faces of our pets. This is exactly what Rookie’s owner did, despite the fact that he had to pay a higher amount to get the cow back.

We are just happy this story has a happy ending, both for the rookie and his cow mom. Do share this heartwarming post with your animal-loving family and friends.
