Eyeopening Thread Listing The Things That Disappeared Because Of COVID And Never Made A Come Back

COVID took a lot of things from us and never gave them back.

Eyeopening Thread Listing The Things That Disappeared Because Of COVID And Never Made A Come Back

The entire world had to adapt to the pandemic, and many of us were forced to give up our favorite habits to survive in these conditions. The world's most important activities had to be paused until further notice, and at one point, we were unsure if things were ever going back to the way they were.

Thankfully, COVID restrictions were eventually lifted, and life got a little bit more tolerable than before, a much-needed upgrade from the lockdowns. However, many aspects of life disappeared with COVID but never managed to make a comeback; the pandemic lasted a bit too long, and many couldn't keep up.

Thousands of businesses went bankrupt and couldn't rise back from their ashes with the current state of the economy. Some other businesses lost a lot of employees and just couldn't keep up with demand, so they restricted the number of hours their stores stayed open.

A Redditor who goes by the username u/jetsetterjack made a post on the r/AskReddit subReddit asking the following question: "What is something that disappeared after the pandemic?" The user got a lot of interesting and eye-opening replies to their question, scroll down to check them out!

1. “Most stores not doing 24 hours anymore.”

So many Gyms closed.

The hours at fast food places change depending if they have staff now.


1. “Most stores not doing 24 hours anymore.”Photo by Milo Bauman on Unsplash

2. "A couple of locally owned restaurants I enjoyed in my town didn’t survive covid. RIP the one Indian food place within 100 miles."


2. Photo by Rumman Amin on Unsplash

3. "24 hr Walmart"

Stalking_Reaptor replied:

Ex-Walmart employee here.

They did this because stocking is the most important thing at night. They absolutely hate interruptions. They would teach us how to avoid people to get our jobs done. Walmart saw productivity sky rocket on nights.

No longer are the first few hours of night shift slaloming around customers and having to help people with mundane questions because they can’t read the aisle contents on the signs.

They also don’t have to deal with stupid and high people coming in at 2am asking to buy live fish and shit, which no one can do unless you are trained to do it (stockers aren’t trained to do that). Which means only the one manager at night can do it.

I legit had to argue with a guy when I was stocking pets one night, because him and his gf wanted a goldfish at 3am. I had to explain that pet’s isn’t “my department”, that it’s just the aisle I was given for the night. I explained you had to be trained.

Guy got all pissed and called me a lazy loser, so I rapped off that I’m not the motherfucker who has nothing better to do than buy a fucking goldfish at 3am

Retail made me hate people.

3. Caique Morais on Unsplash

4. "Reasonably priced used cars."


Reasonably priced anything ***


4. Photo by Jim Witkowski on Unsplash

5. "My friend group."


Tbh i went through graduation and all that stuff + 1 year of school beforehand when covid and quarantine hit. I drifted out of with a lot of my friends and ended up pretty lonely. Only made me realize I was just a last-choice pick or backup to a lot of the people I knew.

Covid helped me realize I was just an accessory to a lot of people. Although things are difficult now, I now have a silver-lining of having met much better and kinder people through the internet, and feel I can be much more honest open and trusting with them.

It’s a process! But I hope for both of us when this all blows over and the world is at peace again, that we come out the other side with healthy support systems, and people we can really count on. To you and all the others that have been tanked by loneliness from covid: good luck!!


5. Photo by Felix Rostig on Unsplash

6. "McDonald’s all day breakfast and salads."


Ex-employee from McDonalds.

They were planning on stopping all-day breakfast for a long time; they just used the pandemic for an excuse.

There were two main reasons I was told for this:

1.) They were wasting a lot of food because not a lot people ordered breakfast at night.

2.) Most people ate breakfast inside, and with the pandemic, that decreased the target audience of McDonalds.


6. Photo by Visual Karsa on Unsplash

7. "Housekeeping at hotels"


7. Unsplash

8. "My good excuse for over-indulging my introversion"


8. Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

9. "Me eating at a restaurant. "

Pre-pandemic it was easy to get a meal for $10. Now that same meal costs $20 or more with the tip also doubling. The hell if I’m going to waste that amount of money


9. Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

10. "Spatial awareness."

I swear when I go to a busy store these days, it's nearly impossible to get around people to look at anything. Or they just stand in the middle of the aisle.


10. Photo by Feliphe Schiarolli on Unsplash

11. "About 75% of public transportation."

So many services cut on the grounds that nobody was using them (because we were in lockdowns) that have not resumed even after most people have been dragged back to their physical workplace.


11. Photo by JC Gellidon on Unsplash

12. "Physical restaurant menus."


12. Photo by Nienke Broeksema on Unsplash

13. "The “soldier on, go to work even if you’re sick for the good of the business mentality” that a lot of managers actively encouraged."

My workplace now sends out health and safety emails reminding people not to come to work if they're sick even if they don't have covid they should stay home and either rest or WFH if they feel well enough.


13. Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

14. "My hope for humanity."


14. Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

15. "My outgoingness."

I think the lack of interacting face to face with people has made me a lot more introverted.


15. Photo by JJ Jordan on Unsplash

16. "I honestly don't remember if it was like that before too, but people seem more patience and tolerant before lockdowns."


16. Photo by DS stories on Pexels

17. "Dating. "

I struggle to connect with strangers post pandemic. Everyone just feels “off”


17. Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

18. "Free samples at grocery stores"


18. Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

19. "Bunch of people's grandparents"


19. Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

20. "Traffic, at the beginning. It was bliss."


20. Photo by Aleksandr Popov on Unsplash

21. "A lot of people’s trust in the system."

juliandanp replied:

Yes, it’s showed how fragile our system really is. Most cities have only a few days worth of food if supply chains get cut off. I don’t think people realize how close to famine we came. This is why all towns/cities need to be self sustainable.

21. Photo by Liam Edwards on Unsplash

What do you think about this subject? We're going to have to wait a lot of time to get some of these things back.

COVID had some deep impacts on the world, and we still need time to heal. If you enjoyed this list, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
