50 Times People Covered Up Their Scars With Adorable Tattoos Courtesy Of A Talented Artist

These tats represent self-confidence, perseverance, and the capacity to weather any storm

50 Times People Covered Up Their Scars With Adorable Tattoos Courtesy Of A Talented Artist

Have you ever seen someone with a huge pin-up on their shoulder and wondered why people get tattoos? Most of the time, these tattoos are not for show but have deep meanings.

Tattoos are frequently misunderstood. Their history and purpose vary depending on the wearer, ranging from being prohibited in many workplaces to being deemed socially unacceptable in many parts of the world.

They are truly one-of-a-kind works of art that can serve as a reminder to be proud of who you are and how far you've come. It can represent your self-confidence, perseverance, and capacity to weather any storm.

People get tattooed for a variety of reasons, and you would undoubtedly agree that getting a tattoo to cover up large body scars, burns, or marks is a valid reason. This gives the person confidence in his or her appearance.

Tran Thi Bich Ngoc, aka Ngoc Like Tattoo, is a Vietnamese tattoo artist who uses body art to make women feel better about themselves and their bodies by covering up scars, burns, and blemishes. Her artistic work is about restoring one's confidence and restoring beauty.

For your viewing pleasure, we have compiled a list of 50 cover-up tattoos. Scroll down to see these beautiful works of art.

More info: Instagram | Facebook | TikTok | YouTube | NgocLikeTattoo.com

1. A beautiful work of art

1. A beautiful work of artngocliketattoo

2. This artist is really gifted

2. This artist is really giftedngocliketattoo

3. The designs are beautiful

3. The designs are beautifulngocliketattoo

4. A round of applause please

4. A round of applause pleasengocliketattoo

5. Love it

5. Love itngocliketattoo

6. Impressive

6. Impressivengocliketattoo

7. Love the colors

7. Love the colorsngocliketattoo

Helping people overcome their insecurities and increase their happiness brings joy to the Vietnamese artist. She doesn't just practice cosmetic therapy as “it can also heal broken hearts.”

The artist also says that:

“My passion is all about tattooing over scars, burns, birthmarks, or any imperfections on the bodies. I believe that a well-done, beautifully constructed tattoo will not only change a person’s image but also lift their confidence and overcome insecurities.”


8. Awesome

8. Awesomengocliketattoo

9. This artist is so good

9. This artist is so goodngocliketattoo

10. Neck Flowers

10. Neck Flowersngocliketattoo

11. Nature is indeed beautiful

11. Nature is indeed beautifulngocliketattoo

12. Beautiful tat

12. Beautiful tatngocliketattoo

13. Confidence restored

13. Confidence restoredngocliketattoo

14. Nice one

14. Nice onengocliketattoo

15. Impressive

15. Impressivengocliketattoo

16. Neck leaf

16. Neck leafngocliketattoo

17. Lovely art

17. Lovely artngocliketattoo

18. So cute

18. So cutengocliketattoo

19. The detailing is nice

19. The detailing is nicengocliketattoo

20. Lovely art

20. Lovely artngocliketattoo

21. Nice tat

21. Nice tatngocliketattoo

22. Awesome work

22. Awesome workngocliketattoo

23. Where's the award already?

23. Where's the award already?ngocliketattoo

24. There's still more to see

24. There's still more to seengocliketattoo

25. Beautiful colors

25. Beautiful colorsngocliketattoo

26. So talented

26. So talentedngocliketattoo

27. I like this

27. I like thisngocliketattoo

28. Woah!

28. Woah!ngocliketattoo

29. I like!

29. I like!ngocliketattoo

30. Get me an appointment too

30. Get me an appointment toongocliketattoo

31. Beautiful art

31. Beautiful artngocliketattoo

32. I'm definitely impressed

32. I'm definitely impressedngocliketattoo

33. Talent at its peak

33. Talent at its peakngocliketattoo

34. Stunning

34. Stunningngocliketattoo

35. A lover of flowers

35. A lover of flowersngocliketattoo

36. Great

36. Greatngocliketattoo

37. Incoming

37. Incomingngocliketattoo

38. Nice art

38. Nice artngocliketattoo

39. Love this as well

39. Love this as wellngocliketattoo

40. Very impressed

40. Very impressedngocliketattoo

41. Love the colors too

41. Love the colors toongocliketattoo

42. Black is beautiful

42. Black is beautifulngocliketattoo

43. Flowery season

43. Flowery seasonngocliketattoo

44. It's all flowers

44. It's all flowersngocliketattoo

45. And more flowers

45. And more flowersngocliketattoo

46. And some more flowers

46. And some more flowersngocliketattoo

47. And extra flowers

47. And extra flowersngocliketattoo

48. The detailing is impressive

48. The detailing is impressivengocliketattoo

49. Great work

49. Great workngocliketattoo

50. Art is beautiful

50. Art is beautifulngocliketattoo

No matter what your reasons are for liking or disliking tattoos, they are a personal thing and a great way to acknowledge and celebrate your individuality. It's obviously a good thing if it's used to cover up scars or birthmarks.

What are the thoughts behind these great works of art? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
