Man Threatens To Abandon Pregnant Girlfriend If She Refuses To Terminate Pregnancy After Both Agreeing To Be Childfree

This childfree couple are facing the biggest test to their relationship.

Man Threatens To Abandon Pregnant Girlfriend If She Refuses To Terminate Pregnancy After Both Agreeing To Be Childfree

In our story today, a young man (OP) finds himself at a crossroads with his partner of nearly four years after an unexpected pregnancy upends their mutual decision to remain child-free.

At 23, OP believed he had his life and relationship perfectly aligned, especially with a partner who shared his vision of a future without children. Their reasons ranged from personal freedom to health concerns. Interestingly, they also agreed that if his partner were to ever get pregnant, she would terminate the pregnancy.

However, life, as it often does, threw them an unforeseen curveball. Apparently, OP received news from his girlfriend that she was pregnant. But what stunned him was her furious reaction when he told her to prepare for an ab**tion.

The couple eventually sat down to discuss, and before long, it was clear that her stance had shifted from being childfree to embracing motherhood. This sudden change of heart left OP confused.

Throughout their relationship, she had been vehemently opposed to having kids, so when did this sudden love for motherhood begin? OP's partner also argued that due to her PCOS/endometriosis, this pregnancy needed to be kept, as it could be her only opportunity to ever be a mom. 

OP accepted his partner's decision to keep the pregnancy but made it clear that not only would their relationship end, but he would not be an active parent in the child's life. At this point, his partner burst into tears, accusing him of being emotionally abusive.

The Reddit court decided to sit on this matter to ascertain whether OP's decision was justified or if he could have handled things better. Scroll down to find out the verdict.

The story in detail

The story in

OP was in a 4-year relationship with his girlfriend and they both agreed to be child-free

OP was in a 4-year relationship with his girlfriend and they both agreed to be

Out of nowhere, OP’s girlfriend announced that she was pregnant and she wanted to keep it

Out of nowhere, OP’s girlfriend announced that she was pregnant and she wanted to keep

OP made it clear that either she terminates the pregnancy or he would end their relationship and be absent from the child’s life

OP made it clear that either she terminates the pregnancy or he would end their relationship and be absent from the child’s

OP sought advice from the Reddit community on how to handle the situation

OP sought advice from the Reddit community on how to handle the

We gathered some reactions for your viewing pleasure:

“You either want them or you don't. The relationship isn't going to work out with that.”

“You either want them or you don't. The relationship isn't going to work out with that.”

“There are no b**faces here. People change their minds when the reality hits.”

“There are no b**faces here. People change their minds when the reality hits.”

“NTB, however given cautious you guys were using contraceptives I would ask for a paternity test.”

“NTB, however given cautious you guys were using contraceptives I would ask for a paternity test.”

“NTB. And frankly, it’s creepy that a 27 year old woman was interested in dating a 19 year old boy.”

“NTB. And frankly, it’s creepy that a 27 year old woman was interested in dating a 19 year old boy.”

“NTB. you’re allowed to not want to be a dad or take an active roll outside of child support.“

“NTB. you’re allowed to not want to be a dad or take an active roll outside of child support.“

“NTB for your immediate response, but let her be. You don’t want the kid, she does, you’ve made it clear what you will do.”

“NTB for your immediate response, but let her be. You don’t want the kid, she does, you’ve made it clear what you will do.”

In the court of public opinion, the consensus leaned heavily in favor of OP. The community found little fault in his actions, emphasizing the importance of mutual agreements in relationships.

The fact that both partners had previously agreed on a child-free life underscored the rationale behind the widespread support. Hopefully, they both find a way to resolve the issue amicably.

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