Couple Wants To Kick Out Roommate To Free Up A Room For The Baby

The roommate was supposed to leave a while ago but he hasn't found a new place.

Couple Wants To Kick Out Roommate To Free Up A Room For The Baby

The world of renting can be tricky to navigate, especially when you're renting out a room in your own home. That's the dilemma one couple found themselves in when their long-term roommate refused to move out, despite their repeated requests for him.

The couple, who own their own home and rent out a spare room to a high-school friend of the husband's, have been trying to get their tenant to leave for almost two years now. Initially, they agreed to let their friend stay for a few months while he looked for his place.

However, things didn't go according to plan, and he stayed much longer than anticipated. Finally, after almost a year of urging from his wife, the husband agreed to charge the roommate rent, but even that hasn't been enough to motivate him to move out.

Now, with a third child on the way and a need for a spare room, the couple is at their wit's end. They had given their tenant until the end of the month to find another place to live, but he has informed them that he hasn't been able to find anything suitable yet and needs to stay longer.

Understandably, the couple is frustrated with the situation. They feel that they have given their tenant plenty of time to find a new place and that he is taking advantage of their kindness.

They want to start the eviction process, but they're worried that it could cause issues with their job. The roommate works in the sheriff's office, and all eviction notices go through the office to be served.

If they start the process, everyone he works with will know, and it could create tension and animosity. The couple doesn't want to cause problems, but they also need the room back for their growing family.

The couple has talked to their tenant several times about the need for him to move out, but he has not taken any steps to do so. They don't have a formal rental agreement, just a few texts about paying rent, and they feel that they have been more than accommodating.

OP and her husband are homeowners and they've been renting out their spare room to the husband's high-school friend

OP and her husband are homeowners and they've been renting out their spare room to the husband's high-school friendu/Long-Positive-3066

Their roommate was supposed to stay for only a few months but it turned out to be 2 years

Their roommate was supposed to stay for only a few months but it turned out to be 2 yearsu/Long-Positive-3066

OP is currently pregnant with their 3rd kid and now they need the spare room that they've been renting out to their roommate

OP is currently pregnant with their 3rd kid and now they need the spare room that they've been renting out to their roommateu/Long-Positive-3066

OP doesn't want to cause issues for the roommate but she still wants to go forward with the eviction

OP doesn't want to cause issues for the roommate but she still wants to go forward with the evictionu/Long-Positive-3066

OP provided some more information on the situation after the comments got flooded with questions

OP provided some more information on the situation after the comments got flooded with questionsu/Long-Positive-3066

The husband doesn't want to be confrontational but the baby is coming soon

The husband doesn't want to be confrontational but the baby is coming soonu/Long-Positive-3066

Be careful

Be carefulu/seekanddstry

He's a full grown man

He's a full grown manu/theb3st2023

Make the husband choose

Make the husband chooseu/goldcoastdebau

Straight to eviction

Straight to evictionu/PrinceOfHungary

So, would they be in the wrong if they started the eviction process? It's a tricky question with no easy answer.

On the one hand, they have been more than patient with their tenant and have given him ample time to find another place to live. On the other hand, they don't want to cause problems with their job or create unnecessary tension.

The people of Reddit believe that the couple is free to do whatever they want since it's their house and their rules.
