Couple Gets Into Fight All Because Husband Didn't Follow Wife's Cooking Recipe

“Do you want me to take care of that for you?”

Couple Gets Into Fight All Because Husband Didn't Follow Wife's Cooking Recipe

We can all agree on one thing - making a good meal requires one following the recipe. Proportion is one essential cooking ingredient that recipes supply.

The essential elements of pancake batter, such as flour, eggs, milk, and so forth, may already be familiar to a cook, but recipes include the exact proportions of each ingredient. Some recipes specify two eggs rather than one or three for a reason.

Professional chefs who produce these recipes are already aware of the appropriate amount of flour to add to a specified quantity of ingredient. Cooks run the risk of producing sticky lumps of bread dough instead of waffle batter if they don't know how to properly balance the ingredients in recipes.

We know it can be tempting to just throw things together and hope they work out when you're a home cook. However, it isn't how cooking operates as a lot of ingredients must be combined precisely, otherwise, your plate will be filled with something really bad.

But then, no one said you couldn't carry out your own kitchen experiment. The OP of today's story sent her husband what she had planned to cook and the recipe she was using since she did most of the cooking.

But then her husband ended up using his own recipe, and the OP wasn't really pleased with it. She has to express how frustrated she is about the unused veggies and how it feels like just another thing she has to deal with now.

Let's head into the story and find out in full what actually happened

Let's head into the story and find out in full what actually happenedReddit/lilbearsez

The OP and her husband have a dog that she is the primary caretaker of but no kids yet

The OP and her husband have a dog that she is the primary caretaker of but no kids yetReddit/lilbearsez

It’s important to note that the OP does almost all of their grocery shopping

It’s important to note that the OP does almost all of their grocery shoppingReddit/lilbearsez

It's disrespectful of OP's time and energy because she primarily handles this stuff

It's disrespectful of OP's time and energy because she primarily handles this stuffReddit/lilbearsez

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:

I am feeling frustrated so I’m not sure if I’m being unfair/petty over something that doesn’t matter. I don’t know if I should just be appreciative of the effort or if my annoyance is justified.

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...Reddit/lilbearsez

It's not that he chose his own recipe

It's not that he chose his own recipeReddit/lilbearsez

The OP has created more stress for herself

The OP has created more stress for herselfReddit/lilbearsez

Both of them should be fair and responsible

Both of them should be fair and responsibleReddit/lilbearsez

The OP added an update in the comments saying:

The OP added an update in the comments saying:Reddit/lilbearsez

It wasn't great to freak out

It wasn't great to freak outReddit/lilbearsez

They should work on their communication skills

They should work on their communication skillsReddit/lilbearsez

This Redditor's mom has always done meal planning

This Redditor's mom has always done meal planningReddit/lilbearsez

Cooking is both a science and an art form, and one thing on which all cooks can agree, whether they are seasoned pros or home cooks, is that recipes are the cornerstone of cooking. Additionally, preparing meals ahead of time with a recipe helps you make the most of them.

Redditors made their decision, and the verdict was that everyone in the story sucked, which means both the OP and her husband had their own fault.
