37 Instances Of Epic Copy-And-Paste Fails That Deserve To Be Immortalized
People should definitely pay more attention.

It's so cringeworthy when someone sends a message that's clearly been copy-pasted and not proofread. It's like they just don't care enough to give us the courtesy of a personalized message, and that's a real bummer.
Thankfully, since 2018 the r/copypastegonewrong subreddit has been a beacon of light, highlighting some of the best (worst?) copy-paste fails for us to laugh at.
Recruiters failing to name the person they're sending the message to? Check.
Professors accidentally sending an embarrassing link in their emails? Check.
We've collected some of the funniest fails for you to scroll through and upvote. Pro-tip: always always ALWAYS read over your message before you hit that SEND button.
Writing and editing are like two peas in a pod - they go hand in hand! It's like having someone else glance over your work to make sure everything looks good - they'll spot typos, inconsistencies, and any language that could be potentially offensive or biased.
And let's not forget the golden question: Is the audience going to like it? So, if you don't want to be bothered with writing, please, be bothered with proofreading the stuff you've copy-pasted.
Take a look at the gems we've prepared for you:
1. "Is There An Mlm For Books? I've Known Her Since Elementary School And She's Never Messaged Me Before...something Tells Me She's New At This"

2. "The Artist Formerly Known As Antoni"

3. "We Appreciate You, Associate’s Name!"

4. "I Finally Caught One In The Wild! Total Copy/Paste Job With Forgotten Beginning Quotation Mark"

5. "Turbotax - Where Copy/Paste = Clarity"

6. "Nice Copy-Paste Apology Starbucks"

7. "Stolen From Facebook — The Mlmer Didn’t Adjust The Copy/Paste When She Posted It To A Group"

8. "Maybe Bruce Was Just Celebrating Too Hard"

9. "“No One Will Notice,” They Said"

10. "Admit It Marissa, You Admire The Tenacity"

11. "Insert 3 Genuine Traits"

12. "Insert Product"

13. "This Is Why It Is Always Important To Read Before You Copy And Paste"

14. "How Do I Delete Someone Else's Discord?"

15. "I Love How (Characteristic) You Are!"

16. "Dear (Customer)"

17. "Jimmy’s Copy/Paste Skills Explain #6"

18. "Analog Click"

19. "Making An Interesting Exam For The Students"

20. "R/Moon: Articles, Photos And Discussion About The Planet Mars"

21. "Found In My Spam Folder"

22. "It Really Feels Like She’s Trying Connect With Me On A Personal Level"

23. "They Don’t Realize Their Copy Paste Has Two Different Os Phones Screenshots"

24. "Amazon Trying To Save Me Money"

25. "Even The Us Army Is Guilty"

26. "Sprint Social Customer Care Just Copy And Pasting From A Script"

27. "When Your Textbook's Author Can't Copy-Paste Well"

28. "Tired Of People C&p’ing My Status"

29. "I'm Getting Used To The Generic Job Rejection Email... But This Is Just Lazy"

30. "Tinder Fail"

31. "Reddit Promoted Post Fail"

32. "Make That Your Post"

33. "Name Of The Group And Much More"

34. "Bad Time To Copy And Paste Your Sales Pitch, Hun"

35. "Please Do Not Open The Other Link"

36. "You're Invited!"

37. "Spam Subject Line Should Read:"

When people are in a hurry, they sometimes make mistakes with copy and paste. For example, they may accidentally copy the wrong text, or they may paste the text in the wrong place.
Luckily, there are websites that track these kinds of mistakes, so we can all enjoy the laughter that ensues.
