30 Simple Cooking Techniques You Should Be Doing As Revealed By Professionals
You won't get any Michelin stars from these but you won't view cooking as a burden anymore
- Published in Interesting
Let's face it, we can't all be professional chefs; it takes a long time to be that skilled and wonderful with food. However, this doesn't mean we can be awful home cooks.
Even if you live by yourself, you should and you deserve delicious food. Home cooking also means having control over the kind of food that goes into your body.
Fast food and restaurant food are both great. They require minimum effort because all you have to do is sit and wait for someone to bring whatever you ordered.
Ordering from a restaurant is not for everyone. If you're trying to be more mindful of the food you eat then home-cooked meals are the way to go.
By cooking your own food, you'll also have a lot more say on how much money you're spending. Cooking your own meals is a good way of sticking to your budget and not overspending.
Sadly, cooking is not a skill that everyone possesses. But it doesn't have to be as challenging as you think it is.
According to one very helpful Reddit discussion, there are a lot of ways to make cooking less of a chore and more of an enjoyable experience. The chefs of Reddit banded together to share some simple tips and tricks to make your homecooked meals tastier.
Here are some techniques you can practice to make better meals:
Joker0421. Garlic and onion have different cooking time and should never be sauteed at the same time
TaloonTheMerchant2. Mise en place or prep work will make cooking less of a hassle
Johndough999993. Do not overlook your acids, people!
Jioni924. Let your meat rest and don't use dull knives
Wheres_the_sand5. Don't just stick to what you know
Rezzone6. Compare multiple recipes online before cooking
BullGooseLooney9047. Safety first
Diamonds4days18. If you're going to use the dishwasher, place your knives blade side down
grendus9. Watch a few online tutorials if you want to learn the proper technique, pro tip: start with Gordon Ramsay's video
ChanceGuest10. This one applies to sauteing
FatuousOocephalus11. When you deep fry, you want the flavor on the meat and the breading, not the oil
PM_me_porn_pls12. You lose a lot of the flavors in vegetables when you boil them to death; try roasting them instead
[deleted]13. There's a proper way to remove the seed from your bell peppers
FakeAssRicky14. Boil your potatoes first before roasting them
DeliciousMalediction15. Microwave is a good friend but it can't be used for all things
small_but_lazy16. A warm plate makes a lot of difference
MaybeItsJustMike17. Use the non-blade side of the knife to scrape ingredients off of the chopping board
Jarek8618. This also works when cooking bacon
Cockwombles19. Don't underestimate cleanliness in the kitchen
Pitchesotoole02 Pitchesotoole0220. Salt your pasta water liberally
lothlin21. Eggs are great when cooked properly
TrayThePlumpet22. It's the egg whites you should watch out for, not the yolks
Zack101823. Buy a meat thermometer and use it
BullGooseLooney90424. Patience is an aptitude necessary in the kitchen
guyute2125. Crack your eggs on a flat surface
treewithpants26. High heat for faster cooking time is not a substitute for slow cooking
[deleted]27. Specific knives are used for specific ingredients
RandellX28. It's called a pinch grip and it makes the world of difference
JadeTheGuy29. The kind of salt you use also affects the flavor of your food
icycubed30. Use an ice bath immediately
bigheyzeusBONUS: perhaps the most important tip of all
large00fDon't forget to clean as you go while cooking. Use the idle time while waiting for the water to boil to clean your countertop and rinse the utensils.
These techniques won't make you a professional chef by a long shot but they will make your food a lot better. Prep work will also be easier if you're doing it the right way.