Online Community Tells Off A Woman Who Tries To Reach Out To Her Estranged Older Sister, Advices Her To Respect Her Sibling's Boundaries
The woman tells the community that she only wants to know more about her sister.

Should one still try rekindling the relationship with an estranged family member? It's a tough question, and there is no clear answer.
Some folks prefer peace, and they long to be free from all the burdens of the past. Others try to reconnect, especially if they miss the good 'ol times.
The reality is, going back to the way things were will prove to be a futile effort. Let's not forget that attempting to restore a relationship with a family member involves not just confrontations but also digging up unresolved disputes and painful emotions.
It will require both sides to be courageous and vulnerable simultaneously. Above all, they need to be willing to go through the uncertainties of this path.
People who intend to reconcile with a family member must also be prepared for any kind of outcome. But for those willing to take the risk, they must brace themselves for any kind of response and understand that they can't control how the other person might respond.
In today's post, we look at the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) post of a woman who only wanted to get to know her estranged, older half-sister. The original poster (OP) shares that her dad slept around and fathered eight children.
As you would expect, the man wasn't a good father. When the older sister was in med school, their dad refused to provide any kind of financial support.
For the OP's older sister, talking to siblings that bear her father's surname would only bring up past hurts. So even if the OP tried reaching out, her attempts were ultimately futile.
In the end, the OP asked the online community if she was the a-hole for still trying to reach out.
The OP wants judgment over her attempts at reaching out to her estranged half-sister whom she never had a chance to bond with.

The older half-sister has no intention of establishing a relationship with the OP. She never responds when the OP tries to reach out.

The OP is hurt that her older half-sibling won't bother talking to her.

Redditors are telling the OP to stop. She can't change her sister's mind no matter even if she insists on getting to know her.

The decision to connect needs to come from the OP's sister. She can't force the relationship to improve.

The OP needs to respect her half-sister's wishes and hope for the best in the future.

She needs to get into her sister's shoes and imagine how painful things were.

The OP needs to respect the boundaries her sister has set, even if it hurts for her.

This advice might worsen things as it doesn't acknowledge the half-sister's feelings.

In this situation, the best course of action for the OP is to leave her half-sister alone. The decision to establish a relationship will not be up to her.
She can keep her doors open, though. After all, who knows what'll happen in the future?
At the very least, the OP has made it clear to her sister that she is interested in having a relationship, ensuring that her intentions are known.
