Parent Reports Teacher For Accidentally Taking Her Son's Confiscated Phone Home With Her And Breaking It

We've all probably had our phone confiscated at some point, but none of us ever thought this would happen.

Parent Reports Teacher For Accidentally Taking Her Son's Confiscated Phone Home With Her And Breaking It

You've probably been there whether you were caught texting in class, your phone went off, you were playing games, or some other scenario that got your phone confiscated in middle or high school. It's common practice for teachers to take away students' phones when they've been caught with them out, considering you're not supposed to have them out.

However, things like this can happen which makes us wonder about how well this "punishment" is. With all this being said, we're here to share another Reddit post on the AITA thread.

A parent comes in with a question about how they handled a situation where a teacher accidentally got her son's phone broken. Ultimately they ended up reporting the teacher, but now they're wondering if that was the right or wrong choice in this situation.

The parent explains the whole story of what happened, how it was handled, and what the issue is now. Looking at these stories is interesting because you get to see everyone's perspective, which is exactly why the person posted it on Reddit in the first place.

So, if you're into this kind of thing and are looking to entertain yourself with a Reddit post worth reading, then you're in luck.

This is the beginning of the story where the parents comes on Reddit to tell everyone what happened.

This is the beginning of the story where the parents comes on Reddit to tell everyone what happened.SWDinTheWild

Here is what happened with the teacher and how she took it home.

Here is what happened with the teacher and how she took it home.SWDinTheWild

Here is how things went in terms of after the parents contacted the school.

Here is how things went in terms of after the parents contacted the school.SWDinTheWild

Then the parent found out that the teacher was talking about the incident.

Then the parent found out that the teacher was talking about the incident.SWDinTheWild

Here's the first comment where they declared that they're NTA in this situation.

Here's the first comment where they declared that they're NTA in this situation.Ok_Job_9417

This is also true though since the teacher had a lot of misfortunate events.

This is also true though since the teacher had a lot of misfortunate events.Fattdog64

We aren't sure what her reasoning for this was, but it's definitely something to keep in mind.

We aren't sure what her reasoning for this was, but it's definitely something to keep in mind.Erthan-1

This is kind of reasonable though. We all make mistakes but it should have at least never ended up in her toddler's hand.

This is kind of reasonable though. We all make mistakes but it should have at least never ended up in her toddler's hand.SirCallipygianDuck

Reaching out to the school was actually the right protocol because of this reason right here.

Reaching out to the school was actually the right protocol because of this reason right here.bootriot

This is true because you never really know if they'll follow through and it was totally their fault.

This is true because you never really know if they'll follow through and it was totally their fault.fuzzy_mic

It's very important for teachers who are confiscating phones to keep them in a safe space.

It's very important for teachers who are confiscating phones to keep them in a safe space.psychopln

Very simply put but this sounds about right.

Very simply put but this sounds about right.ZookeepergameCheap89

Some people had a few questions about further information.

Some people had a few questions about further information.Fantastic-Focus-7056

This is true too. It's best to cover all your grounds in case she doesn't end up paying for it.

This is true too. It's best to cover all your grounds in case she doesn't end up paying for it.Treatapple

The documentation is one of the parts of this that were necessary.

The documentation is one of the parts of this that were necessary.Fun_Organization3857

People had a lot of different opinions on the teacher and her intents.

People had a lot of different opinions on the teacher and her intents.Schnarkysquirrel

This is also extremely important as well because technically it is on the school as well.

This is also extremely important as well because technically it is on the school as well.AlexFairchild

This is one of the few comments that basically said that they were TA and that the teacher did her part.

This is one of the few comments that basically said that they were TA and that the teacher did her part.CleanAssociation9394

People were quite confused on why her toddler even had the phone in the first place.

People were quite confused on why her toddler even had the phone in the first place.Luke_the_Cyka

Yep, this one right here.

Yep, this one right here.schmitty9800

This scenario had a lot of different opinions on it and I think a lot of it has to do with what they expected the teacher to do in that situation. Ultimately, as long as everyone did their part and the phone is taken care of then there shouldn't be many other issues.

What would you have done in this situation and what is your opinion on this?
