25 Times People Tried To Correct Someone Online And Failed Miserably

The confidence is as astounding as they are wrong

  • Published in Funny
25 Times People Tried To Correct Someone Online And Failed Miserably

The internet is a wild place, bringing together people from literally all over the world, from all walks of life. For the most part, folks usually frequent forums and other social media groups that align with their own interests and morals.

For as much as people tend to stick to the comfort of like-mindedness, there’s still no shortage of interactions between opposing opinions in the comments section or popular forums. And hoo-boy, do people love sharing their opinions, even if their opinion is incorrect or a heaping pile of flaming poo, they act as if their opinions are fact.

A lot of people tend to double down on their bad takes when they’re told they're wrong, either due to ego or ignorance. These terrible takes maybe eventually find themselves shared on a Reddit community dedicated to those who are confidently incorrect, aptly named, r/confidentlyincorrect.

Described as a place “For those times when people are way too smug about their wrong answer,” users share comments or exchanges caught in the wild of people being confidently wrong. Our particular favorites are when people (incorrectly) try to correct someone else.

So we collected 25 top moments where someone was called out for being incorrect, only to be the one who was wrong. Keep scrolling for a cringe and chuckle.

1. So eager to be discriminated against

1. So eager to be discriminated againstHamaHamaWamaSlama

2. Virtue signaling turned accidental racism...

2. Virtue signaling turned accidental racism...ETXCheeses

3. Leap year still wouldn't explain it

3. Leap year still wouldn't explain itFacebook

4. What does Laurie think DNA tests do?

4. What does Laurie think DNA tests do?Facebook

5. That escalated quickly

5. That escalated quicklyNekomiSon

6. Hooray for U.S. public education

6. Hooray for U.S. public educationdoloresaveiro

7. The education system has failed ya'll

7. The education system has failed ya'llmkANEz

8. Geography seems to be hard for a lot of people

8. Geography seems to be hard for a lot of peoplefluffybunnies51

9. No words

9. No wordsluvvsus

10. Broccollie

10. Broccollielibbysayshi_1

11. At least they knew it was in Rio

11. At least they knew it was in RioMorbidBoltThrower

12. Okay but ...

12. Okay but ...HanaMichels

13. A vibrating rolling pin

13. A vibrating rolling pinStateOfSelling

14. Basic Math

14. Basic Mathincurvatewop

15. Forever calling them sawhorses in past tense now

15. Forever calling them sawhorses in past tense nowimgur

16. Larry would be the sort of person not to recognize Clark Kent as Superman because of the glasses

16. Larry would be the sort of person not to recognize Clark Kent as Superman because of the glassesNiamhTallon_

17. That's exactly what it does

17. That's exactly what it doesDoctorRog

18. Trees don't produce oxygen apparently

18. Trees don't produce oxygen apparentlyCharlieIllyria

19. Both comments are completely misinformed

19. Both comments are completely misinformedairtoairnuke

20. Bible-splaining the Pope

20. Bible-splaining the Popeone-time-i-dreamt

21. Correcting an "Author"

21. Correcting an Pocketful_of_hops

22. Their, there, they’re, there’re

22. Their, there, they’re, there’remelonboi556

23. That's not how math works

23. That's not how math worksLitecoinAddict

24. That's not how hormones work

24. That's not how hormones workBadMedicalTakes

25. We got a history buff on our hands

25. We got a history buff on our handsBRAVOMAN55

Have you ever experienced the face-burning embarrassment of correcting someone only to be incorrect yourself? Or maybe the less embarrassing moments where you ended up being the one who was corrected?

We want to know about your own lived experiences, so please drop them in the comments section below! And be sure to share this with your friends, maybe it’ll help curb some annoying habits.
