10+ Examples Of People Completely Missing Out On The Joke

We all know someone who doesn't get jokes, but always claims they do. Here's a painful collection of those people!

  • Published in Funny
10+ Examples Of People Completely Missing Out On The Joke

Telling jokes is the best feeling. You get to make people laugh and feel a little bit cool and appreciated for a minute while they enjoy your humor. Sharing your humor with friends is even better, the jokes get rolling one after the other and pretty soon your rolling silently on the floor, tears rolling down your cheeks and clapping like a crazy seal. Good times. 

However, more often than not there's always someone who doesn't get the joke, and that's okay! But when they refuse to admit that they didn't get it and try to play it off like their comment was another joke and they're not just in a little over their head things get a little... awkward.

Here's a collection of people who didn't get the joke, but will probably swear black and blue that they did, and you're not smart enough to understand their humor. Prepare to cringe, but also be ready to laugh because some of these are really funny!
