Redditor Removes Man's Wet Clothes From The Communal Washing Machine To Do Their Laundry, Man Terms Them An "A** Crack"

Laundry etiquette can really be tossed out like an old dryer sheet

Redditor Removes Man's Wet Clothes From The Communal Washing Machine To Do Their Laundry, Man Terms Them An "A** Crack"

Laundry - one of the never-ending tasks of existence. There's always the option of hiring someone to do it for you.

But if you'd rather use your money for something more enjoyable, you'll have to put on your work boots and do the laundry. But what if your apartment doesn't have a washer and dryer?

The majority of apartment complexes have shared laundry rooms that are only accessible to residents, which is excellent news. Since the laundry room is a shared facility, it is the responsibility of every resident to keep it clean.

The bad news is that, particularly in a communal setting, laundry manners can be forgotten like a used dryer sheet. The original poster of today's story lives in an apartment community, with each building having a laundry room with four washers and four dryers.

The OP went to do laundry one day and discovered that all the machines were in use except one, which had wet clothes in it. Next two days, the OP returns, and the same machine still had the same clothes in it.

The OP took it out, as it was the only available washing machine, and put their clothes in it. The owner of the wet clothes showed up, and he didn't find it funny.

Read the entire story for yourself below.

The headline

The headlineu/Successful_Map4660

The OP lives in an apartment community that consists of 6 buildings each

The OP lives in an apartment community that consists of 6 buildings eachu/Successful_Map4660

The last washing machine still had the same clothes in it

The last washing machine still had the same clothes in itu/Successful_Map4660

One of the OP's friends said they were right for doing what they did

One of the OP's friends said they were right for doing what they didu/Successful_Map4660

So now the OP is asking...

So now the OP is asking...u/Successful_Map4660

Here are some of the most upvoted comments from redditors in response to the OP's story

Here are some of the most upvoted comments from redditors in response to the OP's storyReddit

It would be a different story if the wet clothes were in the dryer

It would be a different story if the wet clothes were in the dryerReddit

His clothes were there for two whole days

His clothes were there for two whole daysReddit

It's a show of goodwill but not necessary

It's a show of goodwill but not necessaryReddit

Isn't that what is done in laundries?

Isn't that what is done in laundries?Reddit

This redditor would be making it a pain in the a**

This redditor would be making it a pain in the a**Reddit

They are now permanently yours

They are now permanently yoursReddit

Twenty minutes is more than enough of a grace period

Twenty minutes is more than enough of a grace periodReddit

You should totally contact the management about it

You should totally contact the management about itReddit

You can't always rush right out when it's done

You can't always rush right out when it's doneReddit

You would have been wrong if...

You would have been wrong if...Reddit

This redditor's building used magnets

This redditor's building used magnetsReddit

On what planet is that acceptable?

On what planet is that acceptable?Reddit

The management would empty the washers

The management would empty the washersReddit

There was no cause for the guy to get angry

There was no cause for the guy to get angryReddit

You should not be surprised to find your wet clothes out

You should not be surprised to find your wet clothes outReddit

This redditor has a story to share

This redditor has a story to shareReddit

How could you tell though?

How could you tell though?Reddit

Whether you're a first-time renter or a seasoned tenant, occasionally airing your dirty clothes in public can make everyone's patience run on the spin cycle. Besides, how can someone leave their clothes in a washing machine for two whole days?

Well, redditors were clearly in support of the OP's actions, and the story got a not-the-AH verdict. Do share this post if you enjoyed reading it.
