Spicy Comments That Were Carefully Harvested Throughout The Interwebs
It's a carefully selected list of funny comments

Most of the content of the internet would be super boring if not for users commenting on it and interacting with each other. Most "official" and "credible" news outlets are kind of robotic and unclear in the language that they use, so seeing some real people say some real stuff is always refreshing.
I'm also well aware of the countless trolls and horrible people that exist on all the different internet platforms, but those are kind of a necessary evil because we can't have freedom of speech and not have those. Nevertheless, comments and user interactions are still and will always be the best part of the internet, it rarely gets more original than that.
Millions of comments are posted by internet users every day, but only a few of them get noticed by a bigger audience due to the effort that was put into them. We all get excited when one of our comments gets a lot of traction, you kind of get a little taste of what it feels like to be internet famous.
Despite those likes being meaningless and not having any real value in real life, we still treasure them and look forward to them. Here are some of the best comments out there, they were carefully harvested by a selection of meme connoisseurs.
1. Bouncers are always the absolute worst.

2. It's pretty clever if you really think about it

3. That's a very specific human being that you probably know

4. At least they're getting paid for it, your time is wasted for free buddy.

5. This is the female body at peak performance

6. Alright, this one is adorable and I'm honestly happy for them.

7. He became a meme and we're using him for entertainment purposes now.

8. Do it yourself before they ever get the chance to.

9. This person goes straight for the kill.

10. I bet someone, somewhere is thinking about selling or already selling this NFT

11. I mean you can't hate on the dude, he puuuullllls

12. Sports fans always talk like they could perform better than the athletes.

13. Honesty is the best policy.

14. Apparently these are "TikTok Artists", I'm not going to look them up because sometimes ignorance is bliss.

15. They saw the opportunity and they took it

16. This is honestly starting to get annoying

17. There's nothing more satisfying than moving on and growing up

18. Different kind of cheating there buddy.

19. Try not to accidentally cut yourself with one of those leaves.

20. Landing face first never ends well...

21. Authentic ID-checking look right here

Anonymity can be good and bad at the same time, it allows us to say whatever we want, without being afraid of any consequences, but it can also bring out the worst in us because if a person cannot physically harm you in any way, you feel like you can get away with saying anything to them.
Most of the time you feel like the world is doomed after reading internet comments, but you go out to the real world and it's nothing like that at all. In real life, people keep a lot of thoughts to themselves, which shows just how many weird thoughts are buried deep in people's minds.
