16 Comics That Reveal What Would Probably Happen If The Marvel Movies Were Realistic

This comic artist answers the question, "What if the marvel films were set in real life?"

  • Published in Disney
16 Comics That Reveal What Would Probably Happen If The Marvel Movies Were Realistic

A lot of people are die-hard fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and its heroes and we get why. They’re very entertaining films, they have great actors and cinematic effects, and they have awesome worlds. 

More than anything though, they have superheroes! Who doesn’t want there to be superheroes crushing terrorists, corrupt people, and generally bad people, right? 

If we probably had those kinds of people in our world today, we might have a less drab vision of our future. Then again though, our world would have more complicated problems. 

But really, think about it. What if superheroes, especially Marvel superheroes, were stuck in the real world?

How would they react? Would things still go according to plan and would they actually be able to save the day?

The answer to that may be a little bit more complicated than yes or no. However, comic artist Santiago Esparza has given us a glimpse of what might happen if the Marvel movies were set a little bit closer to reality. 

From Iron Man all the way to Thor, Esparza has dug up some plot holes, character flaws, and a few other things that would have completely changed Marvel movies had they been realistic. Of course, he’s just doing this for fun and not to offend any fan out there. 

They’re quite fun to imagine though. Here are some of his best work. 

1. Iron Man

1. Iron Mansanesparza

Iron Man's first suit wasn't his best

Iron Man's first suit wasn't his bestsanesparza

It did protect him from most attacks but...

It did protect him from most attacks but...sanesparza

He might have forgotten about something very important

He might have forgotten about something very importantsanesparza

2. Thor: Dark World

2. Thor: Dark Worldsanesparza

Loki had the throne

Loki had the thronesanesparza

Thor believed his ruse

Thor believed his rusesanesparza

Loki revealed himself in the end though

Loki revealed himself in the end thoughsanesparza

In real life, Thor would have heard what he said

In real life, Thor would have heard what he saidsanesparza

So much for grand speeches in big empty halls

So much for grand speeches in big empty hallssanesparza

3. Spider-Man: Homecoming

3. Spider-Man: Homecomingsanesparza

We all were for Peter and MJ but with one wrong answer

We all were for Peter and MJ but with one wrong answersanesparza

Their love story would have been over so quickly

Their love story would have been over so quicklysanesparza

4. Spider-Man 2

4. Spider-Man 2sanesparza

His mask works well at concealing his identity

His mask works well at concealing his identitysanesparza

We're pretty sure his voice is still recognizable though

We're pretty sure his voice is still recognizable thoughsanesparza

5. Captain America: The First Avenger

5. Captain America: The First Avengersanesparza

No matter how well made the mask, it still wouldn't have fully covered him up

No matter how well made the mask, it still wouldn't have fully covered him upsanesparza

6. Black Panther

6. Black Panthersanesparza

We know their conflict was pretty intense

We know their conflict was pretty intensesanesparza

But would Cap really have just taken up arms?

But would Cap really have just taken up arms?sanesparza

7. Guardians of the Galaxy

7. Guardians of the Galaxysanesparza

We love Peter Quill's antics

We love Peter Quill's anticssanesparza

We're pretty sure villains won't let him finish his song though

We're pretty sure villains won't let him finish his song thoughsanesparza

He'd be dead before the second verse

He'd be dead before the second versesanesparza

8. Doctor Strange

8. Doctor Strangesanesparza

Doctor Strange's journey started here

Doctor Strange's journey started heresanesparza

But really, if he had been driving safely, he wouldn't have had that accident

But really, if he had been driving safely, he wouldn't have had that accidentsanesparza

9. Spider-Man

9. Spider-Mansanesparza

Villains get to destroy stuff in films like no one's watching

Villains get to destroy stuff in films like no one's watchingsanesparza

But there is always a witness

But there is always a witnesssanesparza

And those poor souls must be horrified and traumatized

And those poor souls must be horrified and traumatizedsanesparza

10. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

10. Captain America: The Winter Soldiersanesparza

The tension in this revelation scene was great

The tension in this revelation scene was greatsanesparza

But really?

But really?sanesparza

Who just does as they're told like that in real life?

Who just does as they're told like that in real life?sanesparza

11. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

11. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2sanesparza

Oh, Groot was adorable alright

Oh, Groot was adorable alrightsanesparza

He wouldn't have lasted long though

He wouldn't have lasted long thoughsanesparza

He would have been fizzed to eternity

He would have been fizzed to eternitysanesparza

12. Captain America: Civil War

12. Captain America: Civil Warsanesparza

This is where their split began

This is where their split begansanesparza

Because of one video

Because of one videosanesparza

But let's be honest

But let's be honestsanesparza

If they just got straight to the point, who would have time to watch that video?

If they just got straight to the point, who would have time to watch that video?sanesparza

13. Iron Man 3

13. Iron Man 3sanesparza

Those many other units may not have been perfect but they would have worked enough

Those many other units may not have been perfect but they would have worked enoughsanesparza

14. Spider-Man 3

14. Spider-Man 3sanesparza

It was all a big misunderstanding in the end

It was all a big misunderstanding in the endsanesparza

He should have known from the very beginning

He should have known from the very beginningsanesparza

15. Thor

15. Thorsanesparza

It was very noble of Thor

It was very noble of Thorsanesparza

And in reality, villains wouldn't have hesitated to abide by that request

And in reality, villains wouldn't have hesitated to abide by that requestsanesparza

16. Spider-Man: Far From Home. Well, that's how the Marvel world works

16. Spider-Man: Far From Home. Well, that's how the Marvel world workssanesparza

If the Marvel films were really set in real life, they'd be a lot more chaotic and complicated than they are. No amount of planning or phases would solve that.

Not only that but we think that if Marvel movies were realistic, they won't get the same viewership they're getting now. They just won't have the same appeal.

Thank goodness they have their own universe, right?
