Pet Sitter Stages Daring Rebellion Against Client's Bizarre 'Canine Affection' Demand

"I did my best to hold my breath but after all the dogs had their turn I was ready to puke."

Pet Sitter Stages Daring Rebellion Against Client's Bizarre 'Canine Affection' Demand

Picture this: You're a 24-year-old woman who has always loved animals. You've made a living out of this love, becoming a professional pet sitter, the one people call when they're away, and the dogs need a friend.

You're a natural at it, and even the grumpiest dogs wag their tails when they see you. One day, you get a call from a new client, a woman who needs a sitter for her six dogs.

You're thrilled – you've dealt with large families of pets before, and it's always a riot of fun. As you arrive at the home, a rush of furry friends welcomes you, their tongues wagging and their eyes brimming with joy. So far, so good.

But then, the unthinkable happens. Watching you on her nanny cam, your client observes you turning away as the dogs lick and pant at your face.

You're doing it out of basic self-preservation; nobody likes slobber in their face, right? But to your client, it's a cardinal sin, a rejection of her pets' affection.

She instructs you to let them slobber all over you, a demand that leaves you both shocked and disgusted. Yet, you find yourself kneeling on the staircase, each dog taking turns invading your personal space.

This lady wants you not just to pet the dogs but to tolerate their bad breath in your face. You try to protest, and you're labeled not a "real dog person."

Soon, it escalates into a bizarre disagreement, leaving you to question your love for dogs and your choice of occupation. "Am I the A**hole?" You wonder, replaying the events of those odd encounters in your mind.

Check out the full details of the story below, as well as the verdict of the Reddit community.

The story in detail

The story in

This 24-year-old pet sitter has been catering to her clients dog for a while now. However her client wasn't happy when she noticed that the she always turns away from her dogs when they try to lick her

This 24-year-old pet sitter has been catering to her clients dog for a while now. However her client wasn't happy when she noticed that the she always turns away from her dogs when they try to lick

During the next two visits, the client made the pet sitter sit down and allow her dogs lick and pant into her face. The pet sitter couldn't take it anymore and dashed out of the house; that's after making some rude comments to the client

During the next two visits, the client made the pet sitter sit down and allow her dogs lick and pant into her face. The pet sitter couldn't take it anymore and dashed out of the house; that's after making some rude comments to the

The pet sitter told her friend, but her friend advised that she can't be averse to dogs in such an industry. Now the pet sitter has decided to bring the case to the Reddit court for their judgement

The pet sitter told her friend, but her friend advised that she can't be averse to dogs in such an industry. Now the pet sitter has decided to bring the case to the Reddit court for their

Here's what people had to say about the story:

"That is exactly the opposite of training a dog to be appropriately friendly"

"Not being willing to risk your health to satisfy an unreasonable demand from a client? Well, OP, I have to be brutally honest here...that makes you NTA."

"You're not being hired to make love to her dogs. You had every right to draw a stern boundary and leave."

"I would refuse to consider sitting for these dogs if the owner insisted I let them walk over my boundaries."

"Nta - dogs shouldn’t be encouraged to be all up in your face."

To wrap up, our story navigates the blurred lines of professional expectations, personal comfort, and the complexities of what it truly means to be an animal lover.

It's an intriguing tale filled with humor and a dash of absurdity, begging us to explore one vital question: Is embracing our love for dogs synonymous with enduring their slobbery affection?
