50 People Share Clever Comebacks
There's nothing more satisfying than roasting someone
- Published in Funny
There's nothing more satisfying than roasting someone online with comebacks so witty and so brutal, they make grown men cry. The "Clever Comebacks" subreddit is dedicated to sharing those awesome replies that deserve to be remembered forever.
But let's face it, they wouldn't be able to give such comebacks if they weren't first provoked by some stupid statement. So, we do have to give praise to those people too. Let's give them a big applause.
We have compiled a list of the most on-target and amusing comebacks they posted ever. Take a look – maybe you'll get inspiration for your next reply.
1. Makes things easier
TheRikari2. Go where?
MythicalBeast2633. It’s the thought that counts
lucynyu134. "What have you done?"
reddit.comThe comedian added that the line between a normal and an awesome comeback is clear for everyone to see. "It needs to be very fast, well-timed, and take people by surprise as well as being clever, witty, and immediately understandable."
The beauty of comedy, Ariane said, is that (sometimes) our subconscious mind surprises even us and takes the audience along for the ride. "But that's relatively rare in my experience. I'm sure many other comics are more natural than I am!"
5. Observing
reddit.com6. Shrek won
justinpwheeler7. Colonel
Dry-Net8. We always hide our "T"
BelleAriel9. Makes sense
hayashiiiii10. Sad but true
Gudakesa11. Rather go to Hell
My_Memes_Will_Cure_U12. Potato sack
playhy13. "That is why we are not parents"
Master171814. This is disturbing
PlatinumGamer5515. People who serve
AkshayyChavan16. Our fault
Random_420-6917. One piece at a time
memezzer18. Rage Against Dishwasher Machines
Camotoe19. Diapers
hydr0p0lis20. Boomers and Millenials
buss12321. Useless oxygen
Kennydoe22. Illegal
YoloForJesusChrist23. It will be dead soon
MeesterNeusbaumTX24. Depression and asthma
TitaniumPeak25. Not from around here
simwalkedaway26. Nail gun
rahul4112Ariane Sherine, a comedy writer and author of "How to Live to 100," says that, in her opinion, clever comebacks can be both intuitive and planned out.
"I've definitely come up with comebacks that are spontaneous. For instance, I told my daughter that if she didn't behave, I'd give her inheritance to a donkey sanctuary. She said, 'You wouldn't', and I came back, 'You bet your ass!' But though I hadn't used that comeback before, I clearly had knowledge of the pun and might have used something similar in the past."
She also pointed out that "when it comes to stand-up, a lot of boo putdowns are written and shared amongst comics." This is actually shocking for many people.