40 Historical And Classical Art Memes That Manage To Perfectly Sum Up Modern Times
The first Covid-19 test was in 1553
- Published in Funny
Life imitates art but art depicts life. This time even classic visual art made hundreds of years ago can perfectly encapsulate modern living.
It has been a long time since these paintings have been created and we collectively would like to think we have evolved as a society since then. These paintings prove that not much has changed since.
We have plumbing now, vaccines, and our life expectancy is longer than 40 years but some things haven't changed. Our cats are still our masters, we still haven't learned much from the life of Jesus, and we are still trying to untangle the mess our society is in.
Another important thing has rung true for humans since time immemorial, we like to laugh at ourselves. Volcanoes could be exploding, democracy itself could be crumbling, and the cost of living could be inhumane but we can somehow find the time to look at the funny side of things.
Memes are not as unique as we think they are, I mean our ancestors have been known to vandalize structures with phallic symbols and we sadly still do the same thing. The only thing new is how fast these memes go viral in our current times.
A lot of people seem to love these classical art memes online and for good reason: they are absolutely hilarious. We thought we'd share the joy with you with this curated list of 40 best memes!
1. Thank you, here's your tip, and please leave quickly before my kitty follows you
meme_stealing_bandit2. They also really took social distancing seriously back then
insolent_swine3. A large portion of the population missed the point of the story and Jesus is back to correct the narrative
RayTracingOn4. Those damn millennials have really done it this time!
killHACKS5. This is the last thing that I needed today! Honey! I told you to remove this knob weeks ago!
Hybrid-Moment6. Ah, some things never change, we just modernized out methods
MyNameGifOreilly7. We never had this problem with quills and papyrus
killHACKS8. Was it his clothes the dog ate?
-Brainchild-9. No shirt, no pants, no shoes, no service!
Bmchris4410. A philosophical kick in the nuts from the past
DanChase111. What, Monica? I'm scared!
insolent_swine12. You've got some 'splainin to do, Mary
insolent_swine13. The cat is the real emperor
classical-memes14. Well, if someone wasn't having too much fun creating the platypus then someone would have created more humans who can tolerate lactose
insolent_swine15. Fine, yes, sell me to the highest bidder but be quiet!
insolent_swine16. The tales of the time travelling billionaire who is definitely human
insolent_swine17. I want life on easy mode please and with cheat codes
insolent_swine18. The original Karen updo
insolent_swine19. The software doesn't need an update, it's the hardware that needs a replacement
killHACKS20. They renamed the Navy in his honor
MyNameGifOreilly21. What happened to the classis? Burning bush, a janitor, a disembodied voice?
insolent_swine22. It's awful when you realize you've read a whole chapter without understanding anything
insolent_swine23. Their side eye game is too on point
esberat24. I promise this will help one of us
dulce_3t_decorum_3st25. Read the room people!
B-L-O-C-K-S26. Yes, I am very familiar with this ~dog~ you are talking about
Scaulbylausis27. Sunday is not the day of the Lord, it's another day to grind! Use Jesus360 during checkout for a 10% discount.
killHACKS28. This slayed faster than a cough
dulce_3t_decorum_3st29. Dad-bod is out, barrel-belly is in
Scaulbylausis30. When you forget you have no friends
killHACKS31. Four pics, one vid
esberat32. I'm just too overwhelmed you know. I feel like, I just really need to be with myself right now.
[deleted]33. I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love
MyNameGifOreilly34. The original marketer and deal maker
apkleber35. I don't like this timeline
B-L-O-C-K-S36. All we need is a top hat and a powdered wig
benuchi37. That first bite encapsulates everything
Pazluz38. I don't have emotions anymore
Aztery39. It found me at an awful time because you sent it after work hours!
esberat40. Thy imagined narrative is pulpy
insolent_swineI'm sure the masters who created these timeless arts have predicted this meme-able use of their irreplaceable work. Comedy truly can humble us all.
The social commentary is strong in these paintings and we absolutely love them! You don't need a degree in art history to appreciate the talent and humor in these beauties.