50 Pictures Of Classical Artwork Turned Into Hilarious Memes

The internet has provided a new twist on Art History: Memes

  • Published in Funny
50 Pictures Of Classical Artwork Turned Into Hilarious Memes

Art history is full of incredible and beautiful works of art, from oil paintings, marble carvings, and massive murals on ceilings…The masters are aptly named as their skills and technique are still admired and studied today.

The great master artists like Rembrandt, Crivelli, Botticelli, Holbein, and countless others shared their worlds through their mediums. Their art tells stories of lives lived, though inarguably, the reality portrayed in these works really seem like a completely different world.

Through this art, we’ve witnessed monsters, acts of heroism, fox hunting, hunting in general, afternoon tea, epic battlefield scenes, families and much more. While one could argue there are a lot of the same these days, so much has changed.

Things like banquet halls filled for feasts, an impressive suit of armor ready for medieval combat, or screaming on a bridge have been replaced by DoorDash or UberEats, keeping in touch with friends and family via social media, and taking an existential scream on a bridge is bound to get you in trouble, if not a viral meme.

The ingenious folks on Reddit’s r/trippinthroughtime have taken the best of both worlds, historic art, and modern-day meme-ry. These Redditors bring the old pieces of art history into the modern world with our current language, meme-foolery, and all.

We’ve gathered some of the highest upvoted posts to share with you in honor of these hilarious and clever minds. So keep scrolling to witness the past meeting the present through art and memes.

1. Rude AF

1. Rude AFinsolent_swine

2. It's a cheap shot, especially if their point is clear regardless of the grammatical error

2. It's a cheap shot, especially if their point is clear regardless of the grammatical errorregian24

3. LISTEN, growth isn't linear

3. LISTEN, growth isn't linearinsolent_swine

4. You gave us TOO MANY OPTIONS, now we crave MORE

4. You gave us TOO MANY OPTIONS, now we crave MOREinsolent_swine

5. Hrm, this feels all too familiar

5. Hrm, this feels all too familiarpanicake

6. We got a whole bunch of horror stories for the future generations

6. We got a whole bunch of horror stories for the future generationsMyNameGifOreilly

7. Maybe next year

7. Maybe next yearsangriya

8. Confessionals take a kinky turn

8. Confessionals take a kinky turnregian24

9. That would do it

9. That would do itsangriya

10. There are a lot more things wrong with word problems than they imply

10. There are a lot more things wrong with word problems than they implynihonlights

11. He was the first one to successfully do so, you know

11. He was the first one to successfully do so, you knowelephantphallus

12. Nothing better for my brain to do

12. Nothing better for my brain to doinsolent_swine

13. It's just nice to be invited

13. It's just nice to be invitedNumerous-Lemon

14. The clues are starting to fall into place

14. The clues are starting to fall into placeCapitalCourse

15. Might as well be comfortable

15. Might as well be comfortableallthisforacamaro

16. How the turntables

16. How the turntablesMyNameGifOreilly giphy

17. Figaro, magnificooooo

17. Figaro, magnificoooooMyNameGifOreilly

18. Better to have an ongoing crisis than to have a mid-life crisis too early and shorten your lifespan

18. Better to have an ongoing crisis than to have a mid-life crisis too early and shorten your lifespanregian24

19. Old Testament God WOULD

19. Old Testament God WOULDcornguy_jr

20. Paint a picture, it'll last longer

20. Paint a picture, it'll last longerregian24

21. Because of yeast

21. Because of yeastd3333p7

22. Don't call on me, don't call on me..

22. Don't call on me, don't call on me..regian24

23. Prepping for one hell of a game of "telephone"

23. Prepping for one hell of a game of regian24

24. Thanks, DSM-5

24. Thanks, DSM-5Numerous-Lemon

25. A hypothesis is a theory you can test

25. A hypothesis is a theory you can testmeme_stealing_bandit

26. Doom incoming

26. Doom incominginsolent_swine

27. The Greatest for WHOM

27. The Greatest for WHOMinsolent_swine

28. The likeness is uncanny

28. The likeness is uncannyinsolent_swine

29. All done, please let me off this hell-ride

29. All done, please let me off this hell-rideinsolent_swine

30. Odds aren't in it's favor

30. Odds aren't in it's favortherapistofturtles

31. Stomach rolls for everyone

31. Stomach rolls for everyoned3333p7

32. It's true tho

32. It's true thod3333p7

33. Not THAT past

33. Not THAT pastMyNameGifOreilly

34. You know what they say when you assume

34. You know what they say when you assumereddit.com

35. C'mere with your grammarly knowledge

35. C'mere with your grammarly knowledgeregian24

36. Ancient life tips

36. Ancient life tipsinsolent_swine

37. His lucky day

37. His lucky dayd3333p7

38. Excuse you, sir

38. Excuse you, sirScaulbylausis

39. It's funny because it's true

39. It's funny because it's trueMyNameGifOreilly

40. Do it, do it, do it

40. Do it, do it, do itMarquetan

41. Don't forget to Like and Subscribe

41. Don't forget to Like and SubscribeNumerous-Lemon

42. It all makes sense in due time

42. It all makes sense in due timed3333p7

43. Why didn't they let medieval artists have cats?

43. Why didn't they let medieval artists have cats?f__h

44. Someone fell asleep

44. Someone fell asleepinsolent_swine

45. So mysterious

45. So mysteriousswat_08

46. Thanks, I'm cured

46. Thanks, I'm curedd3333p7

47. I have high expectations of free shipping after spending $49

47. I have high expectations of free shipping after spending $49panicake

48. Un-dad jokes

48. Un-dad jokesdulce_3t_decorum_3st

49. Regret

49. RegretBmchris44

50. We need to start a revolution

50. We need to start a revolutionsocksyness

It's oddly fitting to turn classical art into modern-day memes. It's essentially like doing a modern punch-up.

Did any of the memes stick out to you in particular? Let us know your favorites in the comment section below, and don't forget to share this with your friends and family!
