Ridiculous 1960's Hairstyles We Should Definitely Bring Back In 2019

Because... why not?

  • Published in Funny
Ridiculous 1960's Hairstyles We Should Definitely Bring Back In 2019

Harry Winston once said, "people will stare. Make it worth their while." Then the 1960's happened and we have, like, a million questions about hair. Whether you refer to it as the beehive or the bouffant, there is no denying the enormity of the big-poof-hairdo that took the 1960's by storm and ran buck-wild with it.

Most people credit Jackie Kennedy's classic and iconic bouffant for dragging the big hair style to the forefront of fashion must-have but I sincerely doubt that Kennedy had any idea what lengths American women would take the hairstyle to! Looking back on the hours upon hours women of the time put into their hair, today's modern woman can't help but look at these photos and laugh while wondering how on earth it was remotely comfortable or fun.

Then again, I've heard fun and comfort have little to do with fashion...

I'm pretty sure her face says it all.

This hair will drive you insane.

I'm pretty sure her face says it all.Pinterest

Her neck looks like it's bothering her.

At some point they could have just turned her hair into the tree, honestly.

Her neck looks like it's bothering her.History Daily

Go Go Dancer?

More like "go-go-gadget beehive hair."

Go Go Dancer?Strawberry Lemonade

You'd need a serious face to walk around with hair that big.

I'm also at least slightly impressed by how stiff the hair looks.

You'd need a serious face to walk around with hair that big.Pinterest

This Historical Photo

The coach of the 1964 Texas Track Club of Abilene said, of this photo, in Sports Illustrated that year:

Bouffant is easier to run in because the wind doesn't blow your hair in your face.
This Historical PhotoImgur

The hair and the heels.

Combined, they add like 2 feet of length to this woman.

The hair and the heels.Pinterest

It's fun!

There's a nice little wave in her hair, perfect for a surfer.

It's fun!Pinterest

More hair than face!

Eventually she will look like It from Addams Family.

More hair than face!Twitter

The Bouff-Mullet

I bet she knows how to party.

The Bouff-MulletPinterest

Do you remember when prom took 3 days to prepare for?

The hairspray on her head alone is probably to blame for at least 1% worth of damage to the ozone layer.

Do you remember when prom took 3 days to prepare for?Pinterest

Extra Terrestrial

This hair could hide so much alien brain.

Extra TerrestrialPinterest


What we can only assume was the combined total time it took all this hair to look this big.


At least she has a sweet smile.

It doesn't distract from the hair pillow on her head, but it's sweet.

At least she has a sweet smile.Tumblr

A realization.

Is this hairstyle why playing limbo at parties took a huge dip? I think it's possible.

A realization.Pinterest

Seasoned hair veterans.

This hairstyle wasn't exclusively for the 20 somethings of the 60's. These women were professionals.

Seasoned hair veterans.Pinterest