Lady Gets Disappointed With The Christmas Gifts She Gets Despite Going All Out To Gift Others, Decides To Quit It

"It’s the thought that counts not the money"

Lady Gets Disappointed With The Christmas Gifts She Gets Despite Going All Out To Gift Others, Decides To Quit It

Giving and receiving presents among coworkers is a wonderful way to express your gratitude over the holidays. If you decide to do a gift exchange, make sure everyone in the team or office participates in ensuring that no one is left out and set a strict budget that everyone must follow to maintain fairness.

Employers must also acknowledge that not everyone will wish to engage, and those who do so should be free to leave without more explanation. Well, let's say that this year, you're not really feeling the office gift exchange.

And you may not be alone in your thoughts. Many people put off participating in this holiday custom, whether it's due to a general dislike of gift exchanges or the looming sense of obligation that permeates every "fun" workplace activity.

There's always a reason why you don't want to be part of the Christmas gift exchange. Alternatively, you might simply go through it, buying your gift obediently and trying not to show how much you dislike having to take part.

The OP of today's story didn't want to take part in her office Christmas gift exchange because of the kind of gifts she received. Her boss told her to be grateful for what she gets, and it’s the thought that counts, not the money.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/laurathrowayyyy

OP got someone a nice sweater with two cute tops which was also what she asked for

OP got someone a nice sweater with two cute tops which was also what she asked forReddit/laurathrowayyyy

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

1) I called the gifts that I received horrible
2) I may be the asshole but I acted ungrateful for what I received

Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to say regarding the story

Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to say regarding the storyReddit/laurathrowayyyy

The thought does count and the gifting sucks

The thought does count and the gifting sucksReddit/laurathrowayyyy

When it comes to work, diplomacy trumps honesty

When it comes to work, diplomacy trumps honestyReddit/laurathrowayyyy

How this Redditor views gift exchange

How this Redditor views gift exchangeReddit/laurathrowayyyy

From a Redditor who believes there's no AHs in the story

NAH. But you do have entirely the wrong attitude towards this. Work gift exchanges are just meant to be a bit of fun, and really you are much to focused on what you receive. No one gets good gifts at work gift exchanges. You are not an arsehole, but you are the kind of person that takes fun activities way too seriously, and focuses more on what you get out of it personally rather then the other aspects, like giving to others, and sharing enjoyment and experiences. People like you suck the fun out of things.
You have no obligation to participate. But it does make you a bit of a scrooge.

Nobody can be mad about you spending less

Nobody can be mad about you spending lessReddit/laurathrowayyyy

It's no fun for the OP

It's no fun for the OPReddit/laurathrowayyyy

"Reminds me of a gift giving few years back"


This Redditor reveals the only way there's harm

This Redditor reveals the only way there's harmReddit/laurathrowayyyy

The OP could become the office grinch

The OP could become the office grinchReddit/laurathrowayyyy

No one else wanted the white chocolate

No one else wanted the white chocolateReddit/laurathrowayyyy

The motives behind the Christmas gift-giving custom can occasionally be obscured by the busyness of the season. But it is a historically based tradition.

The tradition also represents the universal human impulse to show gratitude and affection. Let's us know what you think about this story in the comments section below.
