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"MIL is very Christian and snooty when it comes to her faith and disagreement"
It's an exciting moment when you get a cat and it's even more awesome when you get to name it. A new cat's name should reflect both your particular hobbies and your love for your pet.
The name can also be a conversation starter. And since our cats are unique, they merit personalized names and treatment on par with human beings.
There are so many options when picking the ideal cat name that the process can become very difficult. However, there are a lot of things to take into account to ensure that the cat name you choose is one that you both appreciate.
Some people make sure their cat's name is simple to say because cats don't respond to calls as readily as dogs do. That will increase the cat's propensity to respond when called, but for the OP in today's story, they chose to name their cat Hades.
OP and her fiance chose this name because they are both fans of the Percy Jackson books and find mythology interesting, so they chose the name based on that. Well, OP's fiance made a couple post on a platform where his mom can see his post, and now she's losing it.
She turned it into a shot at her faith and said that the OP is "spinning a trap for the devil." It didn't end there, and you can read the full story as you scroll down below.
So I read this post to mother (who is Roman Catholic not catholic but Roman Catholic and she will correct you on this in a nice way she’s not mean about it) and her response was Hades is part of the Ancient Greek pantheon of gods - why should a Christian care about that name and that’s what I’d tell your MIL
Some Redditors say that OP's future MIL seems very threatened by her and what she should be doing is to pray for them. OP and her fiance are a team and it seems like he's handling this well.
But then, OP's fiance might have to grieve the loss of contact with his mom, despite this being her own doing.