Chris Evans Shares The Touching Story Of How He Met His Rescue Dog

If you have ever visited an animal shelter you would know that it's the worst and best place to be. It's sad because all those animals are looking for your attention so that you can take them home and believe me, I would have taken them all if I could and I'm sure I am not the first person wanting to do that.
Even though it's sad, it's also a happy time when you connect with one of the animals and decide to adopt them. It is the most amazing feeling ever because you are giving that animal the chance at another life with a loving family.
And it's not only just us that adopt animals but celebrities as well. Chris Evans recently adopted a pup from an animal shelter and he shared his touching story on how they became best buds for life.

Chris is widely known for playing the role of Captain America, but most people didn't know that he's a hero outside of the production studio. He is Dodger's hero and he introduced him to his Twitter followers last year and has ever since tweeted about his sweet pup.

Everyone can see that Dodger and Chris absolutely love and adore each other and that Dodger is so grateful and happy that Chris is his new dad. Before Dodger was adopted he was just another doggie sitting in a kennel at an animal shelter waiting for someone to come by and pick him.

Chris Evans was busy shooting a film when he went to the animal shelter looking for a best friend. He came upon Dodger and it was love at first sight.
For National Pet Day he decided to honor Dodger and their friendship by sharing a video on his social media about the day they met for the first time. That was the day both their lives changed for the better.

"This is the moment we met," Evans posted on Twitter. "He was trying so hard to stay seated even though he desperately wanted to get out. I knew right away that he was coming home with me, so I took this video to always remember our first hello."

Chris's tweet went viral with over 6 million views. With the tweet, he was sending a very strong and clear message to everyone out there, ADOPT DON'T SHOP.
Evans says, "Rescue dogs are the best dogs!!"

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