Family Flames Erupt As Man Chooses To Be By His Pregnant Wife's Side Over Staying With His Daughter During Emergency Surgery

Choosing between your pregnant wife in labor and your sick daughter.

Family Flames Erupt As Man Chooses To Be By His Pregnant Wife's Side Over Staying With His Daughter During Emergency Surgery

Families are a pretty complicated bunch. The worst is when there is a divorce in the mix, and new spouses to worry about.

Due to the special dynamics this may require, it becomes somewhat difficult to navigate. Co-parenting, for example, may be a great thing but some people don’t know how to properly navigate being a co-parent with having kids with another spouse. 

In some cases, family members or even the new spouse or co-parent may feel a lack of equality in the attention and time being given to the different children. We found one story on the AITA subreddit that paints a similar picture.

OP shared that he has a nineteen-year-old with their ex-wife and is also expecting a baby with his wife. One night, he received a call from his ex-wife informing his daughter was about to undergo an appendectomy and was expected to stay in the hospital for a few days.

When OP’s ex-mother-in-law asked when he would be flying in to visit his daughter, he explained that he wouldn’t be able to leave his wife, as their baby is due any moment. Her reaction was less than favorable, as she didn’t hold back on calling OP names and accusing him of playing favorites.

Although OP’s ex-wife understood the situation and even assured him she wouldn’t want him to leave his wife, her mother and other family members believe OP is an AH for his decision. Due to this, OP couldn’t help himself but ask the court of Reddit for their opinion.

Scroll down for the verdict!

The story in detail

The story in

For context


OP's daughter is undergoing an emergency surgery, but OP has opted to be by his wife's side instead. You best believe that his ex-wife’s family are furious with this decision

OP's daughter is undergoing an emergency surgery, but OP has opted to be by his wife's side instead. You best believe that his ex-wife’s family are furious with this

Important update


Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

"Let Alina sleep, call your daughter tomorrow and send the flowers. Rest easy, papa."

"NTA. Her mom and grandmother are both there already"

Interesting suggestions by this Redditor

Interesting suggestions by this

"Unless you have reason to believe that Cassie might die, you can’t leave your wife right now."

"As someone who has given birth and has had an appendectomy as an adult... Be there for your wife."

"Had Cassie been in life-threatening danger you would have had a real conundrum on your hands, but fortunately an appendectomy is about as routine as surgery gets."

"Lucky your daughters condition is quite common these day, so the Drs will be well practiced and she should be OK."

"An Appendectomy is super routine and sounds like your ex wife is understanding."

"Even if you hopped on a plane this second, you’re unlikely to be there for her current surgery"

"Always great when both parents are on the same page. An appendectomy is pretty routine."

Well, this was an interesting story, and it is hard to determine who was right here. The commenters believe OP is NTA.

They further assured him that the procedure his daughter had to undergo was a routine one and shouldn’t result in any complications. Do you agree that OP isn’t the AH here?

Let us know in the comments below!
