20+ Memes Perfect For Anyone Who Doesn't Really Like Children
If you feel alone in your dislike for children these photos will show you the hilarious truth.

We all know people who are at the point in their lives where settling down, buying a home, and having a tribe of children sounds like a beautiful idea. Having a small bundle of joy that will laugh, learn, and grow right in front of your eyes is a lot of people's dream, it brings tears to the eyes of mothers, and pride to fathers everywhere.
Then there are the others. And even though every time you go to family dinner you'll be asked "So when are you giving me a grandchild?" or "Aren't you ready to grow up?" they know that it is PERFECTLY FINE to not want to have a child. In fact, some people just dislike kids. And that's okay too.
So for those people who cringe at the thought of throw up, diaper changes, and midnight tantrums, here are some memes that remind you that you're not alone. And not the only one giggling.
1. Oh, no thank you.

2. Do NOT try this at home



5. Not sure what face is me and which is the baby


7. Or sleeping in. Or motorbikes.

8. Uh Oh...

9. Oh no don't mind me!

10. The accuracy here is painful!

11. cHILDreN !!?!

12. Sorry Ma



15. Goals

16. SAME




20. I will fight you. Don't test me.

21. This is both hilarious and terrifying
