50 Childhood Things From The '80s That We're Grateful People Will Never Forget
Are you ready for a nostalgia overdose?

Just take a moment to visualize your 8-year-old self. Do you recall turning off the lights in the basement and sprinting upstairs?
Or sobbing over the watermelon seed in your stomach, which will undoubtedly ripen into a fruit of full size? Do you remember the excitement of building the most complex fort ever by draping blankets across the furniture?
At some time in our lives, we've all wished we could go back to those carefree childhood years. But even though we can't go back in time (at least not yet! ), we may still feel like children by looking at old photos.
Fortunately for us, the internet has a ton of nostalgic photos and posts. Every new generation has a unique perspective on life. It depends on the social, political, and economic milieu in which individuals were raised.
Technology is widely accessible and makes our life simpler and less complicated (does it, really?), and it has a significant impact on our lives. Individuals who were born earlier see how the generations have changed, as well as how technology has advanced and how people their own age no longer perceive the world in the same manner.
Although this does not necessarily imply that the way today's youth are being raised is the proper one, it is nonetheless intriguing to consider what things become obsolete over time.
1. You avoided making a mistake by leaving the stickers on your Garbage Pail Kids cards:

2. The complete letdown you experienced whenever you used the Snoopy Sno Cone Maker to make shaved ice and all you got was a mushy mess:

3. Using spoon to open Quik

4. Mysteries of the Unknown
5. Square One was largely watched for "Mathnet":

6. The physical strain of tearing the sides of dot matrix paper

7. The overwhelming happiness you had when watching Muppet Babies, even if it was simply a rerun:

8. How risky was it for Roller Racers to descend a hill?

9. You're still traumatized by the Punky Brewster episode in which Cherie nearly died after being confined in the broken refrigerator

10. That you at least once tried to stop time by fusing your fingers together like Evie in Out of This World:

11. How Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark's drawings were scarier than the stories themselves:

12. The F.H.E. emblem that was displayed in front of a number of your favorite VHS tapes:

13. The DIC logo with the young child's voice saying "Deeek"

14. How would you conserve the strawberry plastic packaging so you could build Easter baskets at school?

15. My Buddy and Kid Sister's jingle

16. There will always be three bakers for Cinnamon Toast Crunch:

17. Despite how uncomfortable it was to walk and see through, you insisted on wearing one:

18. And how, on a hot day, you had a 90% chance of burning yourself with the metal seat buckles:

19. That everything you were drinking from these Pizza Hut cups usually had a slight aftertaste of plastic:

20. How you knew when to close your eyes during the Pee-Big Wee's Adventure "Large Marge" scene

21. Officer Big Mac climb-in jail at McDonald's:

22. And the joy you had after listening to the show's theme song:
23. How you always took care to avoid wasting the scent by excessively scratching your scratch-and-sniff stickers:

24. Due to the massive amount of enormous batteries within these flashlights, they were extremely heavy:

25. He-Man and She-Ra

26. How difficult it was to get your Popple back into the shape of a ball

27. And how, when hopping on a Pogo Ball, you had to be careful not to sprain your ankle:

28. Playing Duck Hunt

29. How every time you sat next to a car, you had to play with the metal ashtray that was on the door (by opening and closing it quickly):

30. The Black Cauldron by Disney:

31. That you took the urban legend about the ghost boy in Three Men and a Baby seriously:

32. Hawaiian pizza was served at every birthday party:

33. True horror films like Return to Oz and...

34. How everyone's grandma owned one of these:

35. That the song "Sha-la-la-la" keeps playing in your brain whenever you think about the movie Family Ties:

36. That the snarky Tootsie Roll Pop owl was the worst TV ad character ever:

37. That the characters in the Sweet Pickles stories were all a little dirty and all too relatable:

38. But I was always curious about what the hell Nanny looked like:

39. You were motivated to draw only by looking at the Mead Académie Sketch Pad's cover:

40. The fact that you found Alf to be simultaneously hilarious and terrifying:

41. That it wasn't a trip to Burger King until you got your crown:

42. There is no such thing as having too many Smurf PVC figurines

43. The confusion caused by the existence of two animated series with the same name:

44. The "...and growing" line from the Flintstones Vitamins commercial:

45. That DuckTales' theme music is the best cartoon theme song:
46. No one was able to persuade you that Kenner's Family Tree House wasn't a part of Fisher-Little Price's People line:

47. How much more pleasurable it was to sip from Welch's jelly jar glasses:

48. Wanting a Clapper after seeing the advertisement (it was the first smart home device)

49. That every child had a pair of these rainbow flip-flops, which were also very uncomfortable because the nylon on the straps rubbed against your toes:

50. Sniffing Colorforms was 75% of the fun of playing with them:

So, did you enjoy this stroll down memory lane? We certainly have.
It is amazing how some things have become obsolete, but not forgotten. It is because they are connected to emotions.
When we see them, we remember how they made us feel. It was such a wonderful and carefree time.
