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Your existential worries aren't always the worst thing in your life.
You know how it feels like there's a voice in your head talking to you, but it doesn't seem to be coming from your own mind? Nowadays, most comic book creators choose to concentrate on more relatable and mundane themes like daily life and internal difficulties rather than regularly telling corny jokes or some political maxims.
Thousands of people online adore Larkness' intriguing comics despite the fact that she is one of the more recent artists whose work has never been featured in a newspaper! Estela Ribeiro Kuntz, known on Instagram as Larkness was raised in a city in the south of Brazil.
She's been working on a graphic novel for a while, with all new characters and their own ghosts. The primary subject of the artwork in Larkness's comics are the three ghosts, who serve as symbols for inner problems, issues, thoughts, fears, hopes, dreams, and worries.
She doesn't try to act like she's in control of her life, so there are opportunities for her to poke fun of herself. As illustrated by the 25 Larkness comics that follow, your existential worries aren't always the worst thing in your life.
Since she was a little child, she has enjoyed doing art-related activities, including drawing. She aimed to make her own comics with her own characters because she loved reading comic books.
She went to an art college when she was 17 and learned a great deal about many visual languages. In her works, she embraces the stress of daily life, including all of its highs and lows and in-between moments.
She wanted to show others the difficulties and struggles she had with her mind.
Human flaws are not only depicted in her comics, but they also add to their reality, authenticity, and interest. Larkness likes how interested people are in reading this kind of material and how many female comic book creators open up about their struggles as women in a world dominated by men.
She began publishing her cartoons in 2018 after a tough separation and the passing of family members. She used all of her rage to create something artistic, and others have praised her posts on social media.