This Guy Has Been Meeting Hollywood Celebrities Since Childhood And Even Took Photos With All Of Them

This kid was always at the right place at the right time

This Guy Has Been Meeting Hollywood Celebrities Since Childhood And Even Took Photos With All Of Them

We all dream to meet with our favorite celebrities and even have our picture taken with them, but for most people that remains a dream forever and they never get to actually make it come true. Bumping into a celebrity spontaneously requires a lot of luck, and even then, you can't just walk up to them because they're also human beings who value their privacy and don't want to be bothered by crazy fans. But it sort of depends on the celebrity because some are absolutely against it and some are pretty chill and love taking pictures with their fans.

Rob Bierman is probably the luckiest guy in the world, he claims that he has been photographed with more celebrities than any other person in the world, and he has loads of photographs to prove it. Rob shares his picture on his Instagram account @pictureswithcelebrities and has already posted 63 posts with several celebrities.

The pictures are from a lot of different stages of Rob's life since he's been doing this since his childhood, although towards the end you will see the adult version of Rob still doing what he does best. It's sort of a life project that will continue to grow year after year.

1. Yao Ming

The height difference is incredible. Yao is crazy tall.

1. Yao Mingpictureswithcelebrities

2. Chris Rock

Are there even any celebrities this guy hasn't met yet?

2. Chris Rockpictureswithcelebrities

3. Kobe Bryant

Rest in peace you legend...

3. Kobe Bryantpictureswithcelebrities

4. Muhammad Ali

I've never been so jealous of a kid.

4. Muhammad Alipictureswithcelebrities

5. Carlos Santana

Is that a fanny pack lmao

5. Carlos Santanapictureswithcelebrities

6. Kevin Nash

Damn this guy is absolutely massive.

6. Kevin Nashpictureswithcelebrities

7. Chuck Norris

Your hand won't survive a handshake with Chuck Norris, especially if you're a kid.

7. Chuck Norrispictureswithcelebrities

8. Joe Rogan

Back when Joe still had hair.

8. Joe Roganpictureswithcelebrities

9. Dusty Hill (ZZ Top)

Rest in peace Dusty, the most glorious beard ever.

9. Dusty Hill (ZZ Top)pictureswithcelebrities

10. President George H. W. Bush


10. President George H. W. Bushpictureswithcelebrities

11. Arnold Schwarzenegger

He looks so happy, look at that little smile.

11. Arnold Schwarzeneggerpictureswithcelebrities

12. Hank Aaron

Hank Aaron was a superstar baseball player, rest in peace...

12. Hank Aaronpictureswithcelebrities

13. Chad Kroeger ( Nickelback)


13. Chad Kroeger ( Nickelback)

14. Silvester Stallone

It kind of looks like a cardboard cutout, but maybe it's just the quality of the image.

14. Silvester Stallonepictureswithcelebrities

15. Evander Holyfield

The ear still looks intact here.

15. Evander Holyfieldpictureswithcelebrities

16. Casey Donahew

The guy on the left is the kid.

16. Casey Donahewpictureswithcelebrities

17. Aerosmith

This entire thread is mindblowing, how lucky is this kid!

17. Aerosmithpictureswithcelebrities

18. Phil Mickelson

That should be rectified to "3-Time Masters Champion"

18. Phil Mickelsonpictureswithcelebrities

19. Randall King

The kid is now a man ladies and gentlemen.

19. Randall Kingpictureswithcelebrities

20. Kenny Chesney

20. Kenny Chesneypictureswithcelebrities

21. Ted Nugent

You better run kid, Ted is insane lmao

21. Ted Nugentpictureswithcelebrities

22. Larry King

Who is that woman? Must be the kid's mom.

22. Larry Kingpictureswithcelebrities

23. Train

Train is one of my favorites!

23. Trainpictureswithcelebrities

24. Betty White

Come on, how can anyone be so lucky.

24. Betty Whitepictureswithcelebrities

25. Tiger Woods

I wonder what his parents did for a living back then.

25. Tiger Woodspictureswithcelebrities

26. Allen Iverson

This kid's parents are the coolest, and they're not getting enough credits for it.

26. Allen Iversonpictureswithcelebrities

27. Jerry Springer

Where do you even meet Jerry Springer lmao

27. Jerry Springerpictureswithcelebrities

28. Chris Farley

Rest in peace Chris Farley :(

28. Chris Farleypictureswithcelebrities

29. Charles Barkley

He looks so short here, the camera must've done something wrong.

29. Charles Barkleypictureswithcelebrities

30. Koe Wetzel

30. Koe Wetzelpictureswithcelebrities

31. Dan Marino

31. Dan Marinopictureswithcelebrities

Let's face it, most of us will never get to meet with even a fraction of the celebrities this kid met with, especially if you live outside of the United States (unless your favorite celebrities are based somewhere else). But it's still fascinating that he managed to meet so many of them in a single lifetime, his kids will definitely have a lot of bragging rights.

Make sure to check out Rob's Instagram account if you want your mind to be blown on a daily day basis because I bet he still has so many more pictures in-store and kind of rationing them.
