Twitter User Worries What Child-Free People Will Do With Their Sad And Confused Life Once They Turn 40, So They Showed Him Exactly How Fulfilling Their Lives Are

"Sorry you need to have a child so someone is forced to hang out with you, bro."

Twitter User Worries What Child-Free People Will Do With Their Sad And Confused Life Once They Turn 40, So They Showed Him Exactly How Fulfilling Their Lives Are

We've all seen the countless headlines ragging on the new generation for ruining things. We don't earn enough to buy jewelry, therefore we're singlehandedly causing the downfall of the diamond industry.

Our generation doesn't have enough savings to buy houses, so we are wrecking real estate. We're also starting to realize the worth of our labor and refuse to work for exploitative businesses, so the older generation says we don't value hard work.

The blame has been placed on us for everything and anything that is going awry in society. The next thing we are not apparently doing right is living our lives according to their timeline.

At least 44% of American adults between the ages of 18 to 49 are saying that parenthood is not likely in their future. Given the state of, well, everything this is not surprising.

A majority of the people in our age group are overworked and unbelievably underpaid. We are barely surviving and adding a child into that equation is impossible.

What's happening to our environment doesn't exactly encourage child-rearing either. The political tension and literal wars all over the world are disheartening as well.

Despite the miserable state of things, some people still believe we should have children. They can't wrap their heads around that a lot of us are consciously making the decision not to have kids and families of our own.

Twitter user Shane Morris was so worried about child-free people that he felt compelled to share his thoughts

He says Millennials who are not having children will be shocked once they turn 40. He thinks we will run out of things to do by then and regret our choice to go child-free.

Twitter user Shane Morris was so worried about child-free people that he felt compelled to share his thoughts@GShaneMorris

He says our lives will soon get lonely without the connections parents form through their kids

He says our lives will soon get lonely without the connections parents form through their kids@GShaneMorris

Child-free people soon showed Mr. Morris he was alone in his early onset midlife crisis

Child-free people soon showed Mr. Morris he was alone in his early onset midlife crisis@reillynelson

Oh man, that sucks for you and your wife. Your amazing life sounds so empty without little children to worry about.

Oh man, that sucks for you and your wife. Your amazing life sounds so empty without little children to worry about.@adamcbest

If Morris has kids, they would be glad to know of the role they play in their father's life

If Morris has kids, they would be glad to know of the role they play in their father's life@beatthefallacy

Ah, so those are the connections he was talking about

Ah, so those are the connections he was talking about@ItsSamG

Being child-free gives you the freedom to choose when you want to party without worrying about child care

Being child-free gives you the freedom to choose when you want to party without worrying about child care@JamJeff19

There are people who would have loved to have children but with society valuing putting productivity above everything else, parenthood just doesn't get prioritized

There are people who would have loved to have children but with society valuing putting productivity above everything else, parenthood just doesn't get prioritized@Gladrial10

Child-free doesn't equate to an empty life and unfulfilled potential

Child-free doesn't equate to an empty life and unfulfilled potential@thekoreanvegan

Be good to your kids, Mr. Morris

Be good to your kids, Mr. Morris@iiiwantcandy

"Kim, there's people that are dying."


As adults, it is up to us to form those meaninful bonds and strong support system. You don't need children to do that.

As adults, it is up to us to form those meaninful bonds and strong support system. You don't need children to do that.@stephanie_malek

Kids are not there for you to pin your hopes and dreams to. They are human beings that you are responsible for.

Kids are not there for you to pin your hopes and dreams to. They are human beings that you are responsible for.@inkhat

There's a lot of projection going on here

There's a lot of projection going on here@StevenGOchoa

What kind of life will you lead if you don't have kids to traumatize?

What kind of life will you lead if you don't have kids to traumatize?@ShappiKhorsandi

Living in their minds rent-free

Living in their minds rent-free@jefftaylorhuman

We will have as much fun as we do now, just a little slower

We will have as much fun as we do now, just a little slower@IwriteOK

It's cheaper to buy a Porsche

It's cheaper to buy a Porsche@Bonecondor

Question for the people who are in their 40s:

Question for the people who are in their 40s:@KaylaAncrum

Morris is right, they look super sad and confused. If only they had children. Curses!

Morris is right, they look super sad and confused. If only they had children. Curses!@Melapoly

This is a public service announcement: do not have kids to save your marriage. Please.

This is a public service announcement: do not have kids to save your marriage. Please.@Almondrobopanda

Having kids doesn't guarantee an outpouring of love on your deathbed

Having kids doesn't guarantee an outpouring of love on your deathbed@DrKate_Miller

Your friends can be your family. You don't need to be blood-related to have a lifelong emotional connection.

Your friends can be your family. You don't need to be blood-related to have a lifelong emotional connection.@docdave53

When you have kids, you have to let go of some of your personal dreams to prioritize their needs but Morris isn't talking about that, is he?

When you have kids, you have to let go of some of your personal dreams to prioritize their needs but Morris isn't talking about that, is he?@Gritty20202

Will this changed Morris's mind? Probably not.

Will this changed Morris's mind? Probably not.@FelixMartelXXX

You don't even have to be 40 to feel sad and confused. Children will not change that.

You don't even have to be 40 to feel sad and confused. Children will not change that.@liathetrader

It wasn't a choice that was made easily, it was a decision that was made thoughtfully. We are going against the norm but the decision to be child-free is not an inherently bad one.

It wasn't a choice that was made easily, it was a decision that was made thoughtfully. We are going against the norm but the decision to be child-free is not an inherently bad one.@LilaGolightly

Paging Mrs. Morris, do you have any comments?

Paging Mrs. Morris, do you have any comments?@notmargot663

Your life shouldn't just be about your kids. Will you follow them around once they move out? No! You find purpose in your life and catch up on all the parties the child-free people have been throwing!

Your life shouldn't just be about your kids. Will you follow them around once they move out? No! You find purpose in your life and catch up on all the parties the child-free people have been throwing!@vcmcguire

Spot on. The only thing we are missing out on is parenthood. Nothing else.

Spot on. The only thing we are missing out on is parenthood. Nothing else.@vcmcguire

Some people who agreed with Morris's line on thought came out of the woodwork to support his claims

Some people who agreed with Morris's line on thought came out of the woodwork to support his claims@kingkat77

Apparently, child-free people will have very sad deaths despite all of the comments above that show otherwise

Apparently, child-free people will have very sad deaths despite all of the comments above that show otherwise@jstev111

That was your choice and we didn't bash you for it. For some reason, the choice to be child-free is even more controversial that others feel the need to weigh in on someone else's personal choice.

That was your choice and we didn't bash you for it. For some reason, the choice to be child-free is even more controversial that others feel the need to weigh in on someone else's personal choice.@wolfdragon78

Good for them but you are correct that parenthood is not for everyone

Good for them but you are correct that parenthood is not for everyone@SpolianskyLaw

It is frustrating that people are still so hung up about this. Yes, an aging population will become a problem, but unless a dramatic shift in how our society functions in the next few years, child-free people are unlikely to change their minds.

Child-free people shouldn't be judged for their choices. There is more than one way to live a happy life and if you find your happiness through parenthood, then good for you but you shouldn't force your choices on other people. Did you hear that, Mr. Morris?
