Disney-Like Tale Of Friendship, Chihuahua And Pig Rescued In Arizona Are Best Friends

Meet Timon and Pumbaa.

Disney-Like Tale Of Friendship, Chihuahua And Pig Rescued In Arizona Are Best Friends

Animals are capable of forming deep and meaningful bonds, even with members of different species. They communicate and interact, showing love and care for one another.

Allowing animals to spend time together can create strong, positive relationships and provide comfort and companionship to both species. Animals are incredibly intuitive and will often know when another animal needs help or kindness.

For example, a domesticated dog may provide companionship to a wild duck and even protect it from harm, just like these two buddies. The Arizona Humane Society and Better Piggies Rescue have come together to give Timon and Pumbaa, a chihuahua, and a pig, respectively, a loving home.

It is not typical for a dog and a pig to live together, but the Arizona shelter was unable to provide the care Pumbaa needed. Luckily, Better Piggies Rescue stepped in to provide the two animals with a safe and secure home.

“Immediately, AHS staff saw just how strong of a bond these two have, especially when Pumbaa is kind enough to allow Timon to hitch a ride on his back from time to time,” AHS said.

On May 23, Better Piggies Rescue announced on their Facebook page that Timon and Pumbaa had found their permanent home. Pumbaa has even become an ambassador at the facility and has been seen making himself at home with the other pigs.

It is inspiring to see the Arizona Humane Society and Better Piggies Rescue coming together to ensure that these two friends live safe and happy lives. Read the full story below:

Chihuahua and pig are indeed close-knit together

Chihuahua and pig are indeed close-knit togetherARIZONA HUMANE SOCIETY

Better Piggies Rescue posted on social media, “he’s a natural greeter and can’t wait for everyone to meet him when we start up tours in September. Plus, he needs to be near his best friend, Timon, who we are working with to become a sanctuary dog.”

The Arizona Humane Society and Better Piggies Rescue have come together to give Timon and Pumbaa, a chihuahua, and a pig, respectively, a loving home.

The Arizona Humane Society and Better Piggies Rescue have come together to give Timon and Pumbaa, a chihuahua, and a pig, respectively, a loving home.ARIZONA HUMANE SOCIETY

Facebook users were elated and delighted to learn that Timon and Pumbaa had joined the AHS field team. One user expressed their gratitude, expressing, “Happy tears to see it was possible…thank you always for being there when we need outlets for these kiddos”.

Many were heartened by the sight of two different animals loving and getting along with each other, and some even suggested that Timon and Pumbaa should become ambassadors for Pawsitive Friendships. Founded in 2017 near Cave Creek, Arizona, Better Piggies Rescue is one of the only sanctuaries dedicated to pigs in the state, as highlighted by AHS’s release.

Facebook users were elated and delighted to learn that Timon and Pumbaa had joined the AHS field team.

Facebook users were elated and delighted to learn that Timon and Pumbaa had joined the AHS field team.ARIZONA HUMANE SOCIETY

This type of interspecies bond is an inspiring example of how animals can show care and concern for one another, regardless of species. By allowing animals to connect, we can foster relationships and create a more harmonious environment.

Animals need love and friendship too, and these two buddies are the best example.
