Jilted Girlfriend Locks Window To Prevent Cheating Boyfriend From Sneaking Back Into The House, Leaving Him Out In Freezing Temperatures

Revenge is best served cold or in this case, Michigan-winter cold

Jilted Girlfriend Locks Window To Prevent Cheating Boyfriend From Sneaking Back Into The House, Leaving Him Out In Freezing Temperatures

When one door closes, you shouldn't expect a window to open if you sneak out of it to cheat on your girlfriend. A Redditor's cheating boyfriend learned this harsh lesson during a cold Michigan winter.

OP's distrust of her now ex-boyfriend started a few years ago. He acted like a person with a massive secret.

He was always private about his phone and kept texting "people from work" well into the night. OP thought she was just being paranoid and brushed her suspicions away.

She should have listened to her gut all those years ago. Her suspicions got awakened when she was informed by her friend and neighbor that they saw her boyfriend climb in and out of the window late at night.

Her boyfriend must have been aware, like OP was, that their main door squeaks and the stairs near it creaks. It made sense that he chose the window to sneak in and out of the house.

OP wanted more proof than a concerned friend who could have mistaken her house for another. She didn't have to wait long for the last nail in the coffin.

OP woke up to use the bathroom when she heard her window close. She went over and saw her boyfriend walking away from the house.

He forgot his phone and OP saw a text from a girl named Jessica

He forgot his phone and OP saw a text from a girl named Jessicau/asdasds343

Jessica asked him to hurry because she was horny followed by a heart, an eggplant, and peach emojis

Jessica asked him to hurry because she was horny followed by a heart, an eggplant, and peach emojisu/asdasds343

There was no denying that he was cheating on her. So, OP locked her window during that cold Michigan winter.

At 4 AM, her now ex-boyfriend banged on the locked window. He was already excusing his late-night excursion.

He said he went to work to finish something up. OP asked, "You weren't spending the night with Jessica?"

He acted confused, so OP told him to stop being stupid. She broke up with him as he was begging her to open the window because it was cold.

He tried to find shelter at Jessica's house, but her husband went home unexpectedly. Jessica's husband beat up OP's ex.

He went back to OP's house at 9 AM the following day. She tossed him his things and never saw him again.

There was no denying that he was cheating on her. So, OP locked her window during that cold Michigan winter.u/asdasds343

He obviously thought the risk was worth it when he snuck out. Other people are more deserving of our concern.

He obviously thought the risk was worth it when he snuck out. Other people are more deserving of our concern.Saraher16

The freezing temperature didn't slow him down when he was sneaking out, obviously OP thought he could handle it

The freezing temperature didn't slow him down when he was sneaking out, obviously OP thought he could handle it_bettie_bokchoy

He now gets the fun task of finding and warming his own bed. He is no longer OP's problem nor is he Jessica's secret.

He now gets the fun task of finding and warming his own bed. He is no longer OP's problem nor is he Jessica's secret.bubbywater

I would like to believe that he and Jessica collaborated to ruin their own respective relationships

I would like to believe that he and Jessica collaborated to ruin their own respective relationshipsMrx-01

They are equally to blame for what happened to their relationships

They are equally to blame for what happened to their relationshipsoregondude79

It seems to do a lot of his thinking, maybe it can find him a way out of getting a frostbite

It seems to do a lot of his thinking, maybe it can find him a way out of getting a frostbiteKellieisgay, imprisonedbirdie

Just think about it, he put OP in danger every single time he sneaked out and left the window unlocked

Just think about it, he put OP in danger every single time he sneaked out and left the window unlockedstefaniey

Bet he wasn't doing a lot of thinking when he climbed out of the window after seeing all those emojis. He got more than he bargained for that night.

OP has given him the wonderful opportunity to find a new place to live. Maybe he and Jessica can be roommates since they've been getting along so well.
