50 Chaotic Neutral Pictures Of People Who Hilariously Do What They Want And Are Neither Good Nor Bad

Chaotic neutral people do what they please, and their thought process is the ideal choice at that moment.

  • Published in Funny
50 Chaotic Neutral Pictures Of People Who Hilariously Do What They Want And Are Neither Good Nor Bad

When a D&D player creates a character, they choose where to place that person on an ethical axis. Will the character be good, bad, or, on the other hand, ethically neutral?

Then, they need to pick where their character fits into a law-abiding hub. Do they always obey the law, or do they believe that rules are there so they can be broken?

The ideal way to understand this idea is to envision a grid, making it nine squares altogether, three on each side and one in the center. "Lawful Good" is the square in the upper left-hand corner, and it's for people who often think about saving the planet, just like Superman.

The "neutral good" is the square over on the top column, and these people think that the best way to accomplish something good on the planet is to overturn the social order. In the centerline, you’ll find ethically neutral characters, and a "lawful neutral" would be a thoughtless official or a fierce enforcer like Javert from "Les Miserables."

The "true neutral" occupies the middle square, and they are people who witness everything but rarely pick a single side, just like the Oracle in "The Matrix". The square on the far right of the center row is a truly fun character, and then you see the superstar, which is the "chaotic neutral."

The “Chaotic Neutral” also has its own subreddit community. To lay it out plainly, the term describes a person who has no good or bad intentions.

They just do what they please, and their thought process is the ideal choice at that moment.

1. Thanks to Shakespeare’s quote of the day

1. Thanks to Shakespeare’s quote of the daySimonjester1983

2. Chaotic neutral

2. Chaotic neutral7PanzerDiv

3. Now what sort of irony is this...

3. Now what sort of irony is this...battleboybassist

4. The shock

4. The shockroseateOculi

5. Twist of events

5. Twist of eventslmaonope333

6. Haha

6. HahaDingusgrassass134

7. Horses in your area

7. Horses in your areaLovelyhairedpianist

8. The beauty in the chaos

8. The beauty in the chaositsclassified_

9. Lol... Keeping it loud

9. Lol... Keeping it loudnotjordansime

10. Just dig right in

10. Just dig right inflooperdooper4

11. You've got to be kidding me

11. You've got to be kidding merick-p

12. What the actual f***

12. What the actual f***Renaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

13. Wild thought

13. Wild thoughtevilmaker

14. People with their deep thinking

14. People with their deep thinkingL3nnertN1p

15. Lol... Well I don't care

15. Lol... Well I don't careHammyHamSam

16. Didn't see that coming

16. Didn't see that comingShower-karaoke-star

17. Lol... It's the "toodles" for me

17. Lol... It's the Jarl_Zackeus

18. So sorry dear

18. So sorry dearMonday93420

19. I didn't expect that ending too

19. I didn't expect that ending tooregalbiscuit

20. Then sit back and listen

20. Then sit back and listenevilmaker

21. Thought this belongs here

21. Thought this belongs hereEkskiuTwentyTwo

22. It's not so bad, it's actually still good

22. It's not so bad, it's actually still goodLzzyHalesLegs

23. Chaotic chaos

23. Chaotic chaosBrelya

24. On today's episode of "I make horrible things"

24. On today's episode of louietp

25. Quite interesting

25. Quite interestingreddit.com

26. Chaotic mess

26. Chaotic messKragmer

27. Everything has got to remain stable

27. Everything has got to remain stabledrnkchineseboi

28. It's all about me, girl

28. It's all about me, girlroseateOculi

29. They must be pretty fast

29. They must be pretty fastCoinocus

30. Oh my

30. Oh mynotjordansime

31. That's a chaotic one

31. That's a chaotic onemichaekov

32. A man decided to sunbath on one of the support beams of London’s tower bridge

32. A man decided to sunbath on one of the support beams of London’s tower bridgeLibraryVampireWitch

33. The identity thief made a huge difference

33. The identity thief made a huge differenceZeroCesar

34. Making use of blank spaces

34. Making use of blank spacesKore624

35. Who's going to blow out the lights? Okay, there's none

35. Who's going to blow out the lights? Okay, there's noneevilmaker

36. Lol...

36. Lol...Robin1992101

37. A bookshelf for my brick collection

37. A bookshelf for my brick collectionNybblet

38. Highly recommended

38. Highly recommendedAris-Totally

39. Whatever you say is back at you

39. Whatever you say is back at youMy_Memes_Will_Cure_U

40. An increasingly unsettling egg

40. An increasingly unsettling eggannaghughes

41. All about the gander reveal party!

41. All about the gander reveal party!technicallyron

42. It fits perfectly

42. It fits perfectlyevilmaker

43. What!

43. What!yoyoha

44. Well someone has got to cut the grass

44. Well someone has got to cut the grassKragmer

45. It's literally a can opener not a can't opener okay...

45. It's literally a can opener not a can't opener okay...epher95

46. Interesting

46. Interestingkevinowdziej

47. Kids can be like that sometimes

47. Kids can be like that sometimesoriginalangster

48. Use your powers to spice up your life

48. Use your powers to spice up your lifePlayfulYetBored

49. Confusing the search algorithm

49. Confusing the search algorithmOnyxAgata

50. This Is What I Call A Pro Gamer Move

50. This Is What I Call A Pro Gamer MoveCheeseman69420xxx

Comics have been loaded up with fights between good and bad people, but the crowd is particularly keen on watching characters on the same side battling one another. The unconstrained idea of their actions implies they can bring about turmoil and unpredictability, but who can fault them if no one gets injured?

It is the freedom that matters, after all. 
