CEO Gets Shut Down After Asking Internet How To Get Employees To Care More About Their Jobs

Yet another example of CEO's trying to take more than they are willing to pay their employees for.

  • Published in Funny
CEO Gets Shut Down After Asking Internet How To Get Employees To Care More About Their Jobs

A CEO turned to the internet for help and got suitably shut down. The CEO posted a question which questioned their employees' commitment to their jobs. People should not be expected to put in considerably more effort than they are paid to do.

What's more, simply going home on time does not mean that an employee is not committed to their job!

The changing nature of the workforce and economy have led to a disconnect between employees and employers; especially in terms of a healthy work/life balance. It's when things like this happen that you realise just how out of touch some CEO's are with their general employee base.

The question asked:

The question asked:Bored Panda

Naturally, the internet went off!

Naturally, the internet went off!Bored Panda

This person really hit the nail on the head with their reply:

This person really hit the nail on the head with their reply:Bored Panda

Working longer days should be a choice--which employees are financially reimbursed for, not a requirement that is not specified in their contract.

Bored Panda

The changes occurring in the economy, coupled with increased access to technology, have caused some employees to be expected to be available at all hours of the day. If not, they're considered to be "uncommitted" to their jobs.

Bored Panda

Companies that treat their employees well are more likely to have better relationships with employees and employees that are willing to do more for the company. Albeit within the realms of their personal work/life balance.

As my grade eleven business studies teacher constantly reminded me, "happy employees are productive employees."

Bored Panda

Studies show that the work/life balance is very important.

Bored Panda

Say! It! Louder! For! The! CEO's! In! The! Back!

Say! It! Louder! For! The! CEO's! In! The! Back!Bored Panda