9 Hilarious Photos of Famous People Missing Teeth That'll Legit Make You Choke On Air
I dare you to look at them and not move a face muscle. Go on, I dare you.

The trend of removing teeth from profile pictures on the internet is bringing a touch of humor to an otherwise serious online world. Not only are people altering their friends' photos, but they are also altering A-list celebrities' images, and the results are nothing short of hilarious.
Celebrity smiles and teeth are an integral part of their public persona, so when those pearly whites are removed, it completely changes how they look. The pictures emerging from this trend are bound to make you smile and might even haunt you in your dreams.
It is fascinating to see how even the most attractive people can be made to look unattractive with just a few clicks. The internet never fails to surprise us with its creative ways of bringing humor and laughter into our lives.
This trend is just one of the many examples of how the internet can bring people together and spread joy, even in the most unexpected ways. In a world where social media dominates our lives, it is crucial to remember that we should not take ourselves too seriously.
Sometimes, a good laugh is all we need, and these pictures are the perfect medicine. So, take a moment to enjoy the nine most hilarious photos of famous people missing teeth, and spread the joy by sharing them with your friends and family.
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie's missing teeth give her an older and Kate Hudson-like appearance.

Justin Timberlake
Is it just us, or does Justin Timberlake resemble a young Dustin Hoffman in many ways?

Halle Berry
Who did this to our sweet Halle Berry? See, this is why we have trust issues.

Zac Effron
Zac Effron has a unique look with his lack of teeth, which adds to his charm and makes him appear approachable, just like your friendly neighborhood uncle!

Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman is the ideal actress to play an old and toothless witch. She fits the part perfectly.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio may be missing some teeth, but he still looks charming. Wouldn't we all love to hear him speak?

George Clooney
George Clooney still manages to warm the hearts of many with his charming toothless smile.

Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence radiates even more beauty as her face appears to be fuller.

Drake has a smile that's just as big as his personality!

What do you think?
Internet trends are often a source of humor and lightheartedness in our lives, and that's exactly what makes them so enjoyable. Although they may appear trivial at first, they serve a crucial purpose in helping us escape the stress of daily life and bring a smile to our faces.
However, it's important to remember not to take these trends too seriously. In the end, they're just a means of entertainment and should not be the sole focus of our attention.
Taking the time to enjoy the little pleasures in life is crucial for our mental and emotional well-being. Whether it's a funny internet trend or a simple act of kindness, these moments of happiness make life worth living.
So, the next time you come across a toothless celebrity or any other entertaining internet trend, don't hesitate to have a good laugh and embrace the joy it brings. After all, life is too short to take everything seriously.
