20 Celebrities Who Swear By Marijuana
These marijuana enthusiasts won’t mind spending their time rollin’ and flying high.

Marijuana has been in use in the United States for over a century, and in that time, it has had a highly complex relationship with acceptance.
While some people find it exhilarating and wholeheartedly accept it, others detest it entirely and find it morally abhorring.
Marijuana struggles with acceptance on a worldwide scale. Some countries have legalized the drug for medical or recreational purposes.
Other countries, however, aren't looking to hop on the marijuana train anytime soon and even have hefty penalties for those found possessing it.
The US, for example, merges both acceptance and unacceptance, as marijuana is legal in some states despite being illegal in federal law.
Some celebrities, however, won't let the negative perception of marijuana stop them from getting their slice of high.
They use weed for different reasons. For some of them, they claim it's for inspiration. Others say it helps them deal with life's struggles.
Miley Cyrus, for example, has shared that marijuana has positively influenced their life and career. Jay-Z has also stated that it helps him think.
Whatever their reasons may be, these stars won't hesitate to roll and smoke.
We've compiled a list of 20 celebs who have been marijuana enthusiasts for a while now. Scroll down to find out who is on the "high" list.
1. Brad Pitt
Pitt has revealed that he spent most of the '90s hiding out and smoking marijuana.

2. Andy Cohen
According to Cohen, "I used to make pipes out of soda cans in the day. I’m really bad at rolling joints, but I could in a pinch."
Since becoming a father in 2019, Cohen has laid off marijuana for a while.

3. Woody Harrelson
Can’t deny himself a slice of euphoria.

4. Jay-Z
Did you know that Jay-Z has a weed factory? “It’s seldom that I smoke, but it helps my thinker.” He explained.

5. Steve Jobs
It looks like Steve had quite the ride with pot brownies in the 70s’.

6. Lil Wayne
Riding high and flying high.

7. Kevin Smith
Kevin believes that people should do weed and weed only. "Don’t do the other stuff, but weed is good.” He said.

8. Willie Nelson
Weed is a flower to Nelson, and no one can convince him otherwise. In his words, “I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here.”

9. Snoop Dogg
“It makes me feel the way I need to feel.”

10. Rihanna
Rihanna has never been one to shy away from expressing her love for marijuana. “Kush rolled, glass full — I prefer the better things.” She said.

11. Miley Cyrus
Cyrus has never hidden her love for Marijuana. In her words, “I think weed is the best drug on earth.”

12. Jerry Garcia
In his words, "A person’s relationship to drugs is like their relationship to sex."

13. Matthew McConaughey
Reports reveal that he once rapped for 13 hours after accidentally smoking some of Snoop Dogg’s marijuana.

14. Seth Rogen
Haha, it’s all medical for Seth.

15. Bob Marley
Surprisingly he was against smoking anything aside from marijuana. “Why drink and drive if I can smoke and fly?” He said.

16. Cheech & Chong
Smoking it all away.

17. Lady Gaga
It’s all for fun for Gaga.

18. Whoopi Goldberg
She even co-founded a medical cannabis company named Whoopi & Maya! In her words, "My vape pen and I maintain a mostly private relationship."

19. Jimi Hendrix
He made it quite obvious in his lyrics in Trashman, "Please pass me the peace weed and take some heed. Throw all that mixed up speed."

20. Bob Dylan
According to Paul McCartney, Bob introduced weed to The Beatles.

While some of these celebrities smoke marijuana occasionally, others can’t go a day without huffing and puffing. The jury is still out on whether it’s good for them, though.
After going through this list, we bet you were shocked to find some celebrities on it.
Which one surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments section below!
