45 Times People Embarrassed Themselves By Not Realizing They Were Talking To A Celebrity
It's the moment of utter surprises!

Many of us devote a significant amount of our time to keeping up with our favorite actors, artists, and other famous people on social media and in the news. But unless you happen to reside in Hollywood, you usually don't think about the possibility of ever meeting these celebrities in person.
Nevertheless, fate is capricious and has a sense of humor. Celebrities should never forget that they are continuously in the spotlight and that fans are free to come in contact with them at any time.
But realizing that you have been speaking to a celebrity without even realizing it can be utterly embarrassing, especially if you have said or done something stupid. Furthermore, nobody genuinely appreciates feeling ashamed of their actions; let's face it.
Finding ourselves in a scenario where we've made a mistake in public isn't how we envision having a good time because we all want to be admired and respected by our peers. Imagine if a prominent person who you've looked up to your entire life thought you were a little odd.
What a terror! Thankfully, it does not mean that the world has ended.
We have gathered some of the most fascinating online stories about people who unintentionally came across famous people and conversed with them without knowing who they are. For plenty of fun, perplexity, and discomfort, keep scrolling and enjoy!
1. What Would A 4-Times Olympian & Triple World Champion Athlete Know About Elite Athletics

2. Random Person Explaining An Astronaut How Space Works

3. How Do You Know?

4. Youtuber Told To Watch Her Own Channel

5. Creating A Package Doesn't Mean You Are Familiar With It

6. On A Post About How Amusement Parks Should Raise Their Wages.

7. It’s Always A Kevin

8. Tony Can’t Catch A Break

9. Rage Against The Barista

10. Matt Leblanc (Joey From Friends) On Meeting Younger Fans

11. Condescending People Are The Worst

12. Italian Researcher Getting Sent His Own Article About Grafene By Antivaxxers :)

13. Actually, It's Miss Doctor

14. What Could Go Wrong Arguing With The Creator Of Deadpool?

15. Worth Reading To The End.

16. Tony Walks Into An Elevator…

17. Fair Point Well Made

18. Dead Serious

19. An Unfortunate Mistake

20. On A Twitter Post About A Woman Claiming To Have Seizures From The Vaccine

21. Just Found This One In The Wild

22. Well Someone Wasn't Paying Attention

23. I Wrote The Movie

24. I Think He'd Be Pretty Disappointed If He Didn't See The Lead Singer Of The Band In There

25. Elon Musk Doesn't Know Who Garry Kasparov Is

26. Algorithm

27. Orbital Police

28. ‘You Know Nothing About Game Development’ To A Certified Twitter Account For An Indie Dev After He Carefully Explained Why Nfts In Games Would Be Troublesome At Best.

29. Tony Hawk Truly Is The King Of This Sub

30. Lady Does A Good Swim

31. I Thought This Was A Good One, Spotted On My Twitter

32. A Pretty Wholesome One

33. British Tennis Player Gets Mistaken... For Himself

34. He Tried. Bless

35. The ‘Nerve’ On This Guy…

36. Jack Monroe Has A Tony Hawk Moment (With A Happy Ending For A Change)

37. How Dare You?

38. Telling Middle East Politics Expert To Learn Something About The Region

39. In The Future, Everyone Will Be Tony Hawk For 15 Minutes

40. You Don’t Know Who Will Wheaton Is, Do You?

41. Telling A Comic Book Writer To Get A Real Job

42. Yeah, Scott‘S A Well Known Microsoft Mvp With A Long History In Tech (And With Ms), But Sure He Doesn‘T Know Anything About Windows

43. Main Character Syndrome

44. A Pleasant Twitter Interaction

45. Jeff Goldblum Pretends Not To Know Who Jeff Goldblum Is

If you do run into a celebrity, be polite and treat them like any other person, but feel free to express your admiration for their accomplishments and/or body of work if you think it's suitable. Don't gush, but also don't come off as distant.
We'd be interested in hearing some of your own tales of encountering famous individuals that you didn't even know were semi-famous. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.
