People Share Uncontroversial Celebrities That Everyone Seems To Love, And Here Are 38 Of Them

We can hate them, we can love them, but we will watch them

People Share Uncontroversial Celebrities That Everyone Seems To Love, And Here Are 38 Of Them

Our new royals are celebrities. They are extravagant, covert, dramatic, supported by a large PR crew, and with the support of millions of admirers worldwide.

On celebrities' social media accounts, seeing carefully selected postings with deftly placed brand deals are not surprising, but what are they truly like? We occasionally get a peek into the private lives of celebrities thanks to paparazzi photos, leaked information, or them voluntarily disclosing it.

We will watch them whether we love them or detest them. AccomplishedDrag7526 asked on Reddit if there were any celebrities that no one hates.

The post actually attracted a lot of attention as more than 16k people wanted to offer their picks, with some even relating personal encounters with the mentioned celebrities. Whether we like it or not, celebrities have a lot of power, so it's critical that they set a positive example for others and speak out against social injustice, especially when it comes to influencing the next generation.

We have gone ahead to choose the most well-liked celebrities for this list, including those who have a solid reputation for a reason, stand up for what they believe in, are kind and encouraging, and don't make others feel inferior to them.

1. Robin Williams


1. Robin WilliamsEva Rinaldi

2. Brendan Fraser

dude went through hell both physically & emotionally from back injuries & being sexually violated and is finally coming back to Hollywood. Dude is as friendly and humble as he ever was and I wish him the best.


2. Brendan FraserMontclair Film

3. Alan Rickman


3. Alan RickmanMarie-Lan Nguyen

4. Dolly Parton


4. Dolly PartonKristopher Harris

5. Keanu Reeves


5. Keanu ReevesGoverno do Estado de São Paulo

6. Maggie Smith


6. Maggie SmithWarner Bros. Pictures

7. Betty White


7. Betty WhiteSharon Graphics

8. "David Attenborough! He's a national treasure!"


8. John Cairns

9. Julie Andrews

I actually went on tour with Julie for 2 weeks. It was one of those: “An evening with…” type things.

By the first day she knew all the crews names, chatted with everyone, telling stories and asking about our lives. By the third show she was the crew Mum, making sure we were all getting enough rest and food.

She literally stopped a rehearsal when our breakfast was late being delivered so we could all go and eat. And on the last show she gave us all hugs, a bottle of whisky and a hand written letter saying thank you.

It’s the only time once a show ended that we were all a bit sad because we wouldn’t see her again. Beautiful woman inside and out.


9. Julie AndrewsJohn Mathew Smith

10. Sir Ian McKellen


10. Sir Ian McKellenGage Skidmore

11. Bob Ross


11. Bob RossBob Ross Incorporated

12. Michael J. Fox


12. Michael J. FoxPete For America

13. Rowan Atkinson


13. Rowan AtkinsonGerhard Heeke

14. The late Fred Rogers

I met him when I was a young punk working in a video rental store. He was truly truly a saint. He chatted with us for a while and treated me and my metal head co worker with the same respect and love that he treated everyone on his show, and as he left told us he was proud to have such fine upstanding young men as his neighbors.

One of my favorite memories.


14. The late Fred RogersPopSugar

15. David Tennant


15. David TennantSuper Festivals

16. Patrick Stewart


16. Patrick StewartDavid Shankbone

17. Steve Buscemi

He seems super nice. We trick or treat in the same neighborhood every year and he nearly always dresses up to hand out candy and is great with all the kids.


17. Steve BuscemiDavid Shankbone

18. Danny DeVito


18. Danny DeVitoGage Skidmore

19. Tony Hawk

I've never heard any bad s**t about him.


19. Tony HawkStig Nygaard

20. Hugh Jackman


20. Hugh JackmanPaul Cush

21. The late and great Steve Irwin


21. The late and great Steve IrwinAustralia Zoo Pty Ltd

22. "Levar Burton i think. Who can hate the reading rainbow guy!"



23. 'Weird Al' Yankovic

He's the nicest guy. When I was 12, I was in the hospital with brain tumors. Al called my hospital room, sent me a care package, and invited me backstage at a few concerts that summer.


23. 'Weird Al' YankovicKristine Slipson

24. Paul Rudd


24. Paul

25. John Candy the Canadian legend


25. John Candy the Canadian legendMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.

26. Jack Black


26. Jack BlackStefan Brending

27. Rick Moranis

Although he did get punched by some random. That guy probably wouldn’t have if he knew it was him.


27. Rick MoranisLauren Brown

28. Christina Applegate


28. Christina ApplegateGage Skidmore

29. "Steve Carell would be my guess !"


29. Montclair Film Festival

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38. Steve Burns from Blue's Clues


38. Steve Burns from Blue's CluesNew America

Without a doubt, these celebrities are loved by all, and it's awesome to see that some people even have personal encounters with them. If you think we overlooked a celebrity you love, be sure to let us know in the comments! 

And don't forget to share this post with your loved ones so they too can drop their own suggestions as well.
