9 Of Your Favorite Celebrities With Weird Daily Rituals That Might Pique Your Interest

Celebrities are just as eccentric as the rest of us

9 Of Your Favorite Celebrities With Weird Daily Rituals That Might Pique Your Interest

Daily rituals are a collection of tasks to complete each day with the aim of paying attention to what really matters and how each task makes us feel. One thing you ought to understand is that routines are not rituals.

Routines can be boring daily duties that are usually executed automatically and frequently involve multitasking. Daily routines help foster a positive mindset and improve our general wellbeing.

The main causes of the public's attraction to celebrities are typically attributed to their charm, talent, expertise, and beauty. They may become the subject of stories about their love lives or relationships, as well as tales about weight gain or loss.

We get more and more captivated by what extraordinary people do on a daily basis as time passes, and we start to see that perhaps success is more of a practice than a lucky streak of fortune and luck. Interestingly, their daily itineraries frequently resemble one another in remarkable ways.

Nevertheless, it is rare for them to become the subject of stories concerning their strange routines or habits. The following list shows that celebrities are just as eccentric as the rest of us, despite the common misconception that they do not have odd compulsions or behaviors. 

1. Angelina Jolie learned that consuming insects was a good source of protein and she consequently started to relish the exercise

1. Angelina Jolie learned that consuming insects was a good source of protein and she consequently started to relish the exerciseGetty Images

2. Jason Segel's strange obsession with puppets has grown and permeated many areas of his life, including his home

His home contains a full room devoted to the puppets he has accumulated over the years.

2. Jason Segel's strange obsession with puppets has grown and permeated many areas of his life, including his homeGetty Images

3. Lady Gaga

Most people remember the big artificial egg Lady Gaga used during her performance at the 2011 Grammy Awards, but they're not aware that she actually took the egg home with her after the ceremony! She finds it soothing to meditate there, and she frequently nods off while doing so.

3. Lady GagaGetty Images

4. Demi Moore says that her unconventional weight loss method involves using bloodsucking leeches as a type of cleansing

The healthiest way to lose weight is probably not by doing this!

4. Demi Moore says that her unconventional weight loss method involves using bloodsucking leeches as a type of cleansingGetty Images

5. Every time Jennifer Aniston boards an aircraft, she follows a specific procedure

She must first advance her right foot before tapping the aircraft's exterior with her left foot.

5. Every time Jennifer Aniston boards an aircraft, she follows a specific procedureGetty Images

6. Christian Bale does everything that goes against what most superstitious people do, including climbing under ladders, approaching black cats, approaching broken mirrors, and more

6. Christian Bale does everything that goes against what most superstitious people do, including climbing under ladders, approaching black cats, approaching broken mirrors, and moreGetty Images

7. The singer, Mariah Carey sleeps for almost 15 hours every day

Twenty humidifiers are claimed to be in her bedroom, giving her the sense that she is sleeping in a sauna. That fact alone is odd, as if that weren't already!

7. The singer, Mariah Carey sleeps for almost 15 hours every dayGetty Images

8. The well-known rapper, Eminem has a curious habit that isn't wholly unheard of, even though it's odd

He insists on having the room completely dark before retiring to bed. Even hotels are instructed to completely cover their windows at his request.

8. The well-known rapper, Eminem has a curious habit that isn't wholly unheard of, even though it's oddGetty Images

9. Cameron Diaz has obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is the reason she opens doors with her elbows rather than her hands

This is to prevent the transmission of germs and pathogens.

9. Cameron Diaz has obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is the reason she opens doors with her elbows rather than her handsGetty Images

We all have our own rituals, don't we? The majority get up early, complete their most crucial tasks right away, and then plan their break for later in the afternoons and evenings so they may reflect and rest.

Of course, not every successful person in the world possesses these qualities, but they are prevalent enough to be explored. 
