23 Cats Who Love Standing Up And They Look Awesome Doing It

Cats who stand up are just adorable!

  • Published in Animals
23 Cats Who Love Standing Up And They Look Awesome Doing It

Cats may be born with four legs, but they like to stand up when they're in the mood for it. There are plenty of reasons why they stand up.

Some of them are trying to reach for some food, others are curious about what their human has hidden. Some might feel threatened, and some just want to repel some predators.

Cats stand on their hind legs because it makes them appear bigger. They find this action effective against predators.

Cats may even puff their tail up and shuffle sideways. As they do this, they stand on two legs.

Each action is for expanding their size than normal. With a two-legged stance, the feline will growl and hiss whenever the dangerous creature comes closer.

This is like a fighting stance for a cat, but at the same time, it's their way of diffusing the impending brawl. https://www.facebook.com/liel.ainmarCat's do not resolve to fight unless it's necessary.

It's a survival technique typically used by mesopredators to scare threatening animals away. Do you have a pet cat?

Chances are they want to get your attention, reach for toys or treats, and feed their curiosity. Regardless of the reason behind it, we humans find them adorable when they do it.

Some even look funny. They look so interesting, that a Reddit community dedicated to pictures of standing cats was established.

So before you go ahead and take in more cat-standing goodness, we've compiled 23 pictures of them right here. Check them out!

1. Reaching for treats be like.

1. Reaching for treats be like.spoonugget

2. "Starting today, all meetings will be held in this manner."

2. almsd1875

3. When the good boi is asking for food.

3. When the good boi is asking for food.theoabolonhesa

4. What did this little fellow just see?

4. What did this little fellow just see?grichardson526

5. Pretty sure my hooman is hiding something in here. Let me take a look.

Cats are nosey creatures. If they spot something out of the ordinary, it will satisfy their curiosity by standing on their hind legs.

Doing so will allow them to have closer look at the thing they want to check out. Experts say that cats hear sounds that we humans can't detect,

That's why they investigate. When they hear something weird, they want to see what's up.

5. Pretty sure my hooman is hiding something in here. Let me take a look.BavellyBavelly

6. "Gotcha!" Says this cat.

6. bipolarbear29

7. "I want my treat now!"

7. koenn

8. "I am not guilty of eating your homework!"

8. mikemaid40

9. "I have the PAWER!"

9. jabbapage

10. Just let her in.

10. Just let her in.BavellyBavelly

11. Just having a concert.

11. Just having a concert.Matt_Carvalho

12. "Lemme have that!"

At the sound of a rustling bag of treats, you can catch a cat's attention. They will stand on their hind legs because of their excitement.

Again, they want to have a closer look at what you're going to give them. Cats might even do it more often when you offer them more treats.

12. ShapeShiftingCats

13. Truck driver.

13. Truck driver.Numi18

14. "Look at me hooman!"

14. Hood_tao

15. Spiderman? Nope! It's Spidercat!

15. Spiderman? Nope! It's Spidercat!digbickygrene20

16. Appreciating the beautiful night.

16. Appreciating the beautiful night.bfwu

17. Bonus cat: That's a good boy right there!

17. Bonus cat: That's a good boy right there!Ajarofpickles97

18. "What's up bruh?"

18. FuriouslyChonky

19. Just dancing to Whitney Houston's song, "I Wanna Dance With Somebody".

19. Just dancing to Whitney Houston's song, FuriouslyChonky

20. When the hooman's home, this cat cannot contain the excitement.

20. When the hooman's home, this cat cannot contain the excitement.egonemad

21. Standing and looking through your soul.

21. Standing and looking through your soul.dslusser

22. Stunned.

22. Stunned.VQ37HR911

23. Now that's a good pose!

23. Now that's a good pose!MissSailorSarah

What to have more of standing cats?

Head over to the r/CatsStandingUp subreddit. It's a community dedicated to sharing photos and videos of cats standing up.

A standing cat is adorable indeed. Do you have cats and you want them to stand up often?

You can actually train them to do so. Use either a treat or a toy to get your cat to stand up.

Treats should be pulled up higher if you want them to stand up. To get them curious, you simply need to place the treat near their nose.

This works with toys as well. Get a toy mouse above your feline's head. It works better when you say the command "Stand!" and then offer the reward.
