Two Cats Patiently Sit Through Their Tiny Human's Adorable Drawing Lesson

They are so patient and loving ❤️

Two Cats Patiently Sit Through Their Tiny Human's Adorable Drawing Lesson

The majority of cats spend most of their time sleeping, but not this kitty pair. Douglas Roberto and Jurandir are eager to learn whatever their tiny human wants to teach them. The two cats live in Brazil with their family, and their tiny human makes sure that these cats get some proper art education.

Douglas Roberto and Jurandir (really, magnificent names for cats,) are surprisingly quite attentive and love attending their human sister, Clarinha's class. One day, Clarinha decided that it was time to give an adorable little lesson plan for the two cats, so naturally, she began with a step-by-step tutorial on how to draw a flower.

After all, what cat wouldn't want to know how to properly draw a flower?

Here are Douglas Roberto and Jurandir!

Although handling a pen might be a little bit of a challenge for Douglas Roberto and Jurandir, they didn't let that fact stop them:
