Cats Lately Have Been Living Their Best Lives Being As Weird As Possible

Just when you think cats can't pawsibly get any stranger... these furry felines come along and raise the bar.

  • Published in Animals
Cats Lately Have Been Living Their Best Lives Being As Weird As Possible

Cats have a plethora of reputations and some of them are less than savory (Twitter is littered with stories of cats being butt-holes!) The reality is a little less in your face though, because for every sassy moment driven by a sense of entitlement cats are equipped with, cats have just as many moments of sweetness and, well, weirdness.

That's right, there's no room for denial anymore: cats are weird. BUT, don't take that the wrong way, they're the best weirdos in the whole world.

Every weird moment is meticulously documented and shared with the Internet, not in order to shame them for their shenanigans (like their jerk moments,) but to celebrate the laughter they bring to our lives.

1. Purrfection

1. PurrfectionLoud_Primary_1848

2. So derpy!

2. So derpy!Snekborn

3. What's on his mind? Everything, or nothing, no in between.

3. What's on his mind? Everything, or nothing, no in between.Rezanox

4. Himb lub the bread

4. Himb lub the breadbo_mang_co

5. Looks, uh, comfortable? I guess?

5. Looks, uh, comfortable? I guess?seoteimoh13

6. She belongs.

6. She belongs.oydry_disappointing

7. Oh, the humanity!

7. Oh, the humanity!drunkenwithlust

8. This is some cartoon-level stuff, y'all

8. This is some cartoon-level stuff, y'allemiceel

9. Smol Derp or Chonk Derp, we love the derps.

9. Smol Derp or Chonk Derp, we love the derps.reddit

10. Derp Intensifies

10. Derp IntensifiesNixisTM

11. Absolutely nothing, maybe. Unsure.

11. Absolutely nothing, maybe. Unsure.reddit

12. You might be sentenced to death for this one

12. You might be sentenced to death for this one_imog

13. We're here for it.

13. We're here for it._The_Llama

14. He has a nosey side

14. He has a nosey sidePhoibass

15. His own worst enemy was himself all along

15. His own worst enemy was himself all alonglost_if_found

16. What your contractor is doing when you aren't looking

16. What your contractor is doing when you aren't lookinguxzehjwiwxtrueit

17. Indeed, surprised.

17. Indeed, surprised.reddit

18. The best kind of butt

18. The best kind of butta2susan

19. Who could blame her?

19. Who could blame her?saddestgirl1995

20. Super Special

20. Super SpecialImMrMeeseeks42

21. Athletic ASF

21. Athletic ASFroughshodewe

22. Things are happening

22. Things are happeningKuyll

23. Appreciation Intensifies

23. Appreciation IntensifiesSunburntTroll

24. Everything? Nothing? Yes.

24. Everything? Nothing? Yes.MajesticSeeOtters

25. Pawsibly

25. Pawsiblyqueequegscoffee

26. What are we even LOOKING at??

26. What are we even LOOKING at??bayliascaris

27. Sometimes you gotta

27. Sometimes you gottafrilly22

28. The audacity of humans.

28. The audacity of humans.42iseverywhere42

29. Seems about right

29. Seems about rightmikeytats

30. Majestic

30. MajesticSphiffi

31. This is equally terrifying and impressive.

31. This is equally terrifying and impressive.Zelaiken

32. Bless you, Basil.

32. Bless you, Basil.im_not_bowered

33. At the beginning, naturally.

33. At the beginning, naturally.Hedge-Dog


34. SPOOPYreddit