20 Times People Online Reacted To Vegan Cat Food Which Has An Angry-Looking Cat As Its Model
The kitty isn't smiling at all!

In a nutshell, cats cannot be vegans or vegetarians. Due to their obligate carnivorous nature, cats require meat in their diet.
Many people in our modern world are starting to think about changing their pets' diets to plant-based diets and it is becoming more popular. There are a variety of reasons for this, including moral, ethical, or health-related ones.
However, owners should consider the hazards before considering feeding their pets a vegan or vegetarian diet. In the end, giving your pet any food that does not satisfy their nutritional requirements is probably going to result in long-term health problems.
The issue is that cats have a far poorer ability to digest and use carbohydrates than dogs and humans, and as a result, they have a much higher requirement for protein. Furthermore, a cat's diet must include taurine, an amino acid that is important for many of its key cells and organs, including its heart.
Due to the fact that cats are unable to produce taurine on their own, they must eat it. They can only get it through the proteins derived from animals as it contains taurine, which is crucial for healthy growth, vision, and immunological function.
This implies that cats require meat in order to obtain essential elements that aren't found in plants. If fed a plant-based diet, cats can get quite sick and the facial expression of this cat says it all.
The OP drops a headline

And here's a screenshot of the "happy" cat vegan food

Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to say regarding this post.
1. "How to starve your cat to death in a can"

2. That person should not be allowed to have pets

3. Cats do need meat

4. Cats won't survive on vegan alone

5. The cat is looking with disdain

6. Cats are obligated carnivores

7. The cat overlords will take action

8. What the cat might be thinking

9. That's how happy cat vegans look

10. This is just another form of animal cruelty

11. It's immoral to even have a vegan cat food

12. From someone who wouldn't feed their cat vegan food

13. It's a food to kill your cat with

14. Their stomach aren't meant to digest vegetables

15. You can't force a cat to be vegan

16. The product is actually real

17. You're on the menu and you're meat

18. Veganism isn't supposed to hurt animals

19. It should be an illegal product to sell

20. Cats need meat in order to live

Certain companies produce vegan cat food that typically contains synthetic taurine as an additional ingredient. It's possible that vegan pet diets contain taurine, but it's not certain if these are as bioavailable to cats as the natural form or if they can ultimately give your cat enough nutritional benefits over the long term for all phases of their life.
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