Cat Owner Finds A Meticulously Carved Hollow On His Cat's Basket-Shaped Scratching Post, Cracks Up Over How It Fits His Cat's Face Perfectly

The fit is like Cinderella's foot on her glass shoe.

Cat Owner Finds A Meticulously Carved Hollow On His Cat's Basket-Shaped Scratching Post, Cracks Up Over How It Fits His Cat's Face Perfectly

Just like humans, cats need to express themselves. They always need to scratch to express their stress or excitement.

But scratching isn't just a form of expression for felines. This behavior is also used for marking their scent and for removing unwanted parts of their nails.

Other times, they simply need a relaxing stretch. But the cat we're looking at today seems to have another purpose for performing this deed on its basket-shaped scratching post.

A Japanese Twitter user, tomeji1106, discovered his cat's "personal project." He was amused when he found a deliberately scratched hollow that perfectly fits his cat's face.

And you know what's interesting? According to the owner, the hollow looks like a Cinderella fit.

It's like the hollow was custom-made for his cat's face. Online users who saw the tweet were also cracking up, saying things like "it's a renovation project," and "it was meticulously planned."

The owner finds the sight adorable. He also says that his cat always sleeps as it rests its face on the hollow.

Since he is already used to the presence of his cats, he didn't pay much attention to the hollow. Eventually, it made him wonder how the it came to be.

The owner owns a total of six cats. So he doesn't know if the other cats were involved in this project.

This is Shimeji. She's the only female cat in the group.

Maybe she needs her own spot, so she spends more time in her space. And she truly made it her own with that hollow for resting her face.

This is Shimeji. She's the only female cat in the group.tomeji1106

Cat owners need to provide scratching posts for their cats while their little fur balls are still young. In doing so, owners can prevent their cats from destroying their furniture.

Due to their natural instinct to scratch surfaces, this behavior cannot be entirely stopped. That's why introducing a scratching post from an early age can redirect the behavior to a more appropriate and desirable location.

So, where should you place scratching posts? Start by observing and determining which part of your house your cat loves to spend time in.

You can also place the scratching post near the furniture they tend to scratch a lot. To encourage and establish this habit, play with your cat in the very same spot every day.

Treats are needed when trying to reinforce this behavior. So place some yummy treats nearby or give them whenever you see your cat playing with the scratching post.

Continue this positive reinforcement. Soon, you'll see your cat showing a preference for the scratching post instead of your beautiful furniture!

Did the other cats have a hand in creating that hollow in the scratching post? It makes their owner wonder.

Did the other cats have a hand in creating that hollow in the scratching post? It makes their owner wonder.tomeji1106

Just look at how content Shimeji is when she rests her face on that personalized hollow. She seems so relaxed!

According to the owner, he doesn't see the other cats using the basket-shaped scratching post. So maybe the other cats have accepted that it's only for Shimeji's use.

Want to see more of the cats' shenanigans? Feel free to follow their owner, tomeji1106, on Twitter!
