Mischievous Cat Owner Shares How Fellow Pet Owners Can Get Back At Their Cat For Their Playful Shenanigans
Other cat owners even followed suit and tried the mischief on their pets.

Some cats are chill, while others drive their owners crazy. If your cat is full of shenanigans, you likely always see them wriggling into snug spots, exploring everyday items with keen interest, or just striking funny poses.
Their playful behaviors never fail to brighten the day for those they live with. Cats also have a natural love for hunting.
Their playful strategies to track and pounce on their toys can be quite entertaining to observe and can lead to some funny scenarios. Whether they're energetically leaping at a tiny stuffed toy or causing a playful ruckus by swatting things off surfaces in pursuit, they're guaranteed to keep you amused all day long.
Some cats, however, can bring headaches to their owners with their shenanigans. These mischievous felines might turn your peaceful home upside down with their antics, from knocking over fragile decorations to climbing curtains like tiny acrobats.
Despite these occasional challenges, their playful nature and affectionate moments often make up for the chaos they create. It's all part of the unique charm that comes with sharing your life with a spirited cat.
And you know what's the best thing about it? Well, one Reddit user found a way to get back at her silly cat.
She decided to share her very own mischief against her cat with the Petty Revenge subreddit. At first, the OP only intended to share her story.
But since people loved the idea, they started doing the same thing to their cats too!
The OP had a brilliant for petty revenge after her cat knocked her keys in the trash.

The OP decided to use videos of kittens and blasted the volume to driver her cat crazy.

People loved the idea, so they followed suit.

So the OP shared the exact video she used to drive her cat nuts.
You might wanna try it too!
Unfortunately, it doesn't work on all cats.
We would have loved to see that WTF reaction.

One Redditor has been using this very same video to fool her cats.

Unfortunately, the video no longer worked after being played a few more times
One user posted an update, mentioning that the cats are no longer fooled into thinking there are actual cats. Maybe they discovered the video?

Cat Piano would probably work great too.
The owner will even have control over the pitch if they use this toy.

It would be so entertaining to see the reactions of the cats that hear this video.

If your cat has decided to be a jerk by knocking over some of your things or making a mess in your room, we give you the green light to use the OP's video. And if you want to entertain other people, you gotta post those cat reactions on your timeline.
People love a good cat video, and sharing your feline's antics can brighten someone else's day with a good laugh. Don't forget to share this post with your friends who own cats full of shenanigans.
They'll be thankful for the brand-new entertainment you'll provide.
