31 Hilarious Photos That Show You The Everyday Struggles Of A Cat Owner

There are no boring days for cat owners and that's why cat people are such dedicated fanatics.

  • Published in Animals
31 Hilarious Photos That Show You The Everyday Struggles Of A Cat Owner

Am I the only one who's never seen a cat laugh? Well, that was before I showed my cat these hilarious memes that perfectly describe the life of a cat owner.

Cats are always there to make you laugh with their silly behavior, so you should show them these memes to return the favor. I'm just joking, of course, I'm pretty sure cats can't laugh, but even if they could I doubt we'd ever see them laughing.

Cats want to look tough and mean, so there's no way you could make them laugh. But even if you won't be able to make your cat laugh, you should still go through these memes we picked out for you.

You've probably heard a lot about what it's like living with a cat in your home, but I think it's something you have to see to understand truly. I remember thinking that a cat couldn't be that hard to handle before I adopted my first kitty.

It's needless to say that I was very wrong and it turned out that having a cat can be quite stressful. Regardless of all the issues, you can have with a kitty, you'll still love them with all of your heart, guaranteed.

1. "I wonder why my back hurts".

1. /catmemes

2. Must be so nice and warm.

2. Must be so nice and warm./catmemes

3. They said it'd be fun to spend time with your family.

3. They said it'd be fun to spend time with your family./catmemes

4. She deserves her reward

4. She deserves her reward/catmemes

5. Send this one to your SO.

5. Send this one to your SO./catmemes

6. Well at least you tried.

6. Well at least you tried.@fluffyypets

7. How do you play against such a tactic??

7. How do you play against such a tactic??/catmemes

8. Meh, just 5 more minutes.

8. Meh, just 5 more minutes./catmemes

9. Quarantining with a cat will lead to some wild ideas.

9. Quarantining with a cat will lead to some wild ideas.@hitchcock_presents

10. Spending some quality time with the cat.

10. Spending some quality time with the cat./catmemes

11. They always end up becoming best friends.

11. They always end up becoming best friends./catmemes

12. Their teeth look so humanlike.

12. Their teeth look so humanlike./catmemes

13. And then they use the stinkeye forever.

13. And then they use the stinkeye forever./catmemes

14. A classy catto.

14. A classy catto.inzergue

15. Aww, he must feel so betrayed.

15. Aww, he must feel so betrayed./catmemes

16. Organs approve your decision.

16. Organs approve your decision./catmemes

17. Looks like every friend group I've ever seen.

17. Looks like every friend group I've ever seen.niknak79

18. This is what takes true strength of character.

18. This is what takes true strength of character./catmemes

19. Definitely using this from now on.

19. Definitely using this from now on.@no_el_la

20. Please let your cats join the meeting.

20. Please let your cats join the meeting.@ruzkin

21. Cat's wont hesitate to put you in your place

21. Cat's wont hesitate to put you in your place/catmemes

22. Catto is confused.

23. Everything got old quickly.

23. Everything got old quickly./catmemes

24. This is just the most adorable thing

24. This is just the most adorable thing/catmemes

25. Like a child holding its father's hand.

25. Like a child holding its father's hand./catmemes

26. Where are my fellow night owls??

26. Where are my fellow night owls??/catmemes

27. How dare you spend so much time in your own home??

27. How dare you spend so much time in your own home??/catmemes

28. When your parents first let you do a chore in the house.

28. When your parents first let you do a chore in the house./catmemes

29. Everyone knows cats can sense warmth from across the house.

29. Everyone knows cats can sense warmth from across the house./catmemes

30. I know a lot of people who could use a cat like this in social events.

30. I know a lot of people who could use a cat like this in social events./catmemes

31. Is Animal Crossing just Sims but for animals?

31. Is Animal Crossing just Sims but for animals?/catmemes

Congrats, you've reached the end of these hilarious cat memes. I know how sad you must be about that but everything must come to an end.

We hope you enjoyed going through these, and I'm sure that we managed to get at least a smile from you as you scrolled through this article.
