Redditor Leaves Her Beloved Cat In Her Mother-In-Law's Care, Only To Find Out That The Cat Has Been Given Away
"My MIL is very much the type of my way or the highway vibe"

Cats are enigmatic and endearing creatures. Their playful antics and soothing purrs have given them a special place in homes and hearts worldwide.
Yet, amid this universal love, there are some people who vehemently disapprove of these four-legged companions. This story offers a glimpse into a similar narrative, where conflicting emotions collide over the presence of a beloved feline friend.
The stage is set when a mother-in-law (MIL) who embodies a 'my way or the highway' ethos tries to stamp her authority on our narrator's (OP's) home. In a world where compromise should reign, this MIL's distaste for cats becomes the epicenter of tension.
OP's early decision to bring a cat into their lives is met with outrage, as her MIL can't stand the sight of such a creature. In addition, she tries to get her son to see reasons why their family should do away with cats.
Despite OP's fiancé not buying into his mother's cat-hating sermon, she still admits that he isn't much of a cat-lover himself. Regardless, OP doesn't relent in enjoying every moment with her feline companion in their home.
Fast forward three years and circumstances take an unexpected turn. OP jets off to be by her ill mother's side while entrusting her beloved cat's care to the very person who has never embraced its presence—her MIL.
What ensues is a heartbreaking revelation, as a call from a shelter reveals the unthinkable—her indoor cat has been handed in for rehoming. At this point, OP is shocked and in disbelief—how could her MIL go behind her back to give away her beloved pet?
Without hesitation, OP touches down to reclaim her cat from the shelter. Furthermore, she changes all her house locks and reports her MIL to be banned by as many cat shelters and vets as she can reach.
Scroll down to find out how the story unfolds.
Let’s dig into the details

A bit of background

OP’s MIL handed in her cat to be rehomed

Important edit

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:
“My Mil would be dropped off in the desert.“

“This honestly makes me half glad I've been lazy and haven't changed the chip info on my cat.”

“I hope your bf accosted her for that move.”

“If anyone did that to me, I'd be in jail for murder!”

“I would tear that woman a new a**hole, then never allow her in my life again.”

“What goes on in the mind of some of these people?”

“Never trust anyone that does not like cats.”

“That is a woman who would never go near my animal again.”

“Good job getting her banned and changing your security up.“

The Reddit community has backed OP’s decision to ban her MIL from the home and report her to nearby shelters and vets. Everyone is horrified that she could even do such a thing after being entrusted with the cat’s care.
We understand that not everyone is a cat lover, but giving away someone else's cat without their consent is unacceptable. The commenters are also hoping that OP’s fiancé takes the time to speak to his mom about her actions.
We’d love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments.
