Hilarious Cat Made Friends With The Mouse He Was Supposed To Catch

It's fair to say this kitty has been sacked from his job as rodent-hunter. But that's okay because now he's an internet superstar!

Hilarious Cat Made Friends With The Mouse He Was Supposed To Catch

If you're anything like me, Tom and Jerry would have been one of your favorite shows growing up! We loved watching the adorable love-hate relationship between cat and mouse, and Tom's endless attempts to torment the heck out of Jerry.

The animated pair were adorable together. And we all knew that deep down Tom loved Jerry, and would never hurt him, even though he tried to pretend otherwise.

It may have been a cartoon, but it's not necessarily that far off from reality. Cats love to hunt, even if they don't need to for survival, so you will often find a house-cat playing with it's prey.

But some cats are simply lovers, not fighters. Recently, Benjamin Sagredo shared a video on Instagram of his cute cat, Simon, allowing a tiny mouse to have a drink from his water bowl.

People fell in love with the sweet cat and mouse duo, and the video went viral. Benjamin told Simon he should catch the mouse, but Simon was more interested in making a new friend.

People were quick to compare the furry duo with Tom and Jerry. And we think they are equally as adorable!

It's fair to say that Simon has been sacked from his job as rodent-hunter. But that's okay because now he's an internet superstar!

Simon became an internet superstar when a video of him making friends with a mouse went viral.

Simon's owner, Benjamin, said he heard strange noises coming from the kitchen, but didn't take much notice. He later realized there was a mouse living in there.

Benjamin thought it was odd since he had a cat. Cats hunt mice, right?

Simon became an internet superstar when a video of him making friends with a mouse went viral.simonel.gato

Benjamin told Simon to catch the mouse, but sweet Simon just wanted to be friends.

Benjamin decided to catch the cute moment on film. In the video, Simon is seen watching on as the mouse drinks from his water bowl.

At one stage, Simon reached out his paw for the mouse. But he was extremely gentle and just wanted to play.

Benjamin told Simon to catch the mouse, but sweet Simon just wanted to be friends.benjoandres

"I decided to record it. I thought no one would believe me," Benjamin said.

Image credits: simonel.gato

Benjamin says that Simon is a very sweet cat, but he was still surprised by his reaction to the mouse.

Simon grew up with two border collies, so according to Benjamin, Simon is almost like a third dog. Benjamin also made friends with the mouse and gave him a name, Chefcito, which means 'Little Chef' in Spanish.

Benjamin says that Simon is a very sweet cat, but he was still surprised by his reaction to the mouse.simonel.gato

"He’s been back several times," Benjamin said.


“We love that Simon accepts him."

"He’s a very affectionate and sociable cat. If Chefcito keeps coming, we’re going to have to adopt him,” Benjamin said.

“We love that Simon accepts him.benjoandres

You can watch the cute video below.

If you'd like to follow Simon and Chefcito's adventures, you can checkout Simon's Instagram here. The cuteness is real!


People were quick to compare the furry duo with Tom and Jerry.

People were quick to compare the furry duo with Tom and Jerry.

Some got a little too serious.

Some got a little too serious.

Others shared their own stories.

Others shared their own stories.

He certainly is!

He certainly is!

It's a valid point.

It's a valid point.

He's a "pacifist."

He's a

Not wrong.

Not wrong.

Oh dear!

Oh dear!

It's a pity.

It's a pity.

It's okay, he's a celebrity now!

It's okay, he's a celebrity now!