Grieving Lady Apologizes To Friend For Not Attending Their Birthday Party Because She Lost Her Relationship And Her Cat, Gets Termed Selfish

"I need some time to myself. I hope you understand"

Grieving Lady Apologizes To Friend For Not Attending Their Birthday Party Because She Lost Her Relationship And Her Cat, Gets Termed Selfish

Losing a pet cat can be extremely upsetting. When your pet dies, the first wave of grief frequently hits you like a tidal wave as you battle with shock, despair, and a sense of loss.

Grief is a common reaction to big losses. Healing from bereavement and adjusting to life without your feline friend can take some time.

Since pets are frequently a continual source of companionship, unconditional love, and joy in our lives, losing one can result in severe loss and grief. You tend to remember their distinct personalities that is capable of astonishing and delighting you and everyone around you.

So it's no surprise that it can be difficult to lose your furry friend. In fact, the grief we experience when we lose a loved one can be compared to the grief we experience when we lose our beloved pet.

As everyone grieves differently and in their own time, it's important to exercise kindness and patience with yourself. Not only did the OP of today lose her furry friend, but her boyfriend cheated on her the day before that.

It was a lot for the OP to handle, and she couldn't attend a friend's birthday party. She sent out a text to this friend explaining her predicament and hoping they would understand, but that didn't happen.

Instead, the OP got sent back an entire wall of text saying that she's being selfish, but was she? Keep scrolling to read the entire story before deciding on your reply.

The story kicks off but first, the headline...

The story kicks off but first, the headline...Reddit

OP's deceased cat used to sit on her shoulder while she reads and writes things

OP's deceased cat used to sit on her shoulder while she reads and writes thingsReddit

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a**hole:

Canceled on my mate because of my cats death, wondering if I informed them in a bad way.

Redditors trooped to the comments section to drop their one cents and we've gathered a bunch of them for you below

Redditors trooped to the comments section to drop their one cents and we've gathered a bunch of them for you belowReddit

The OP needs to take care of herself first and foremost

The OP needs to take care of herself first and foremostReddit

If the OP is an adult, then birthday parties are always optional

If the OP is an adult, then birthday parties are always optionalReddit

The OP's not being selfish and she can take all the time she needs

The OP's not being selfish and she can take all the time she needsReddit

This Redditor is sorry that the OP is going through such a difficult time

This Redditor is sorry that the OP is going through such a difficult timeReddit

This Redditor is advicing the OP to withdraw from such a friendship and grieve how she desires

This Redditor is advicing the OP to withdraw from such a friendship and grieve how she desiresReddit

A new pet can give the OP a new reason to smile again

A new pet can give the OP a new reason to smile againReddit

The OP perfectly worded why she couldn't attend her friend's birthday party

The OP perfectly worded why she couldn't attend her friend's birthday partyReddit

This Redditor is sending virtual hugs to comfort the OP

This Redditor is sending virtual hugs to comfort the OPReddit

So many Redditors gave the OP comforting words saying that she will succeed in overcoming this if she maintains her composure and optimistic attitude. Yes, the OP will always have a particular place in her heart for her cat and it was better she found out about her partner now instead of later.

Though it doesn't get any easier but many Redditors told OP she would get someone who will always be loyal to her and values her.
