Cat Gets Revenge On Her Owner For Failing To Shower Her With Attention

"Stormed off to think evil thoughts about the stupid human she was forced to live with"

Cat Gets Revenge On Her Owner For Failing To Shower Her With Attention

Every cat owner is aware that their beloved pets have independent minds. You're blowing smoke if you think you can influence their behavior; they do what they want when they want.

Make that a permanent alteration to their behavior. You may become ecstatic if they appear to be listening to you and even following your instructions.

They promise not to do that ever again, but nope, there is no remedy for them, and there will never be. Even if they stopped acting badly, it doesn't imply it will last forever.

It simply indicates that your cat gave in because, at that very moment, he or she felt like it. And there will come a time very soon when the cat will do as they please, simply to show who's boss.

Still, some cats are bossier than others. The entire house needs to be accessible at all times in case the cat needs to sneak a few fast pet treats in at an ungodly hour.

The OP of today's story failed to attend to the cat, and the result of it was glaring for all to see. The OP has an amazing midnight kitty with a single white spot on her chest.

Born mute, the cat was unable to meow or make any sort of sound at all, so she taught them what they lovingly called kitty sign language. Read on to find out OP's crime and how the cat handled it.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/Waifer2016

OP's cat, Angel was an amazing midnight kitty with a single white spot on her chest

OP's cat, Angel was an amazing midnight kitty with a single white spot on her chestReddit/Waifer2016

The cat went around OP's feet, bunting their leg with her head and ran over to pat the doors

The cat went around OP's feet, bunting their leg with her head and ran over to pat the doorsReddit/Waifer2016

The OP watched the cat beat on the french doors while staring back in utter disgust

The OP watched the cat beat on the french doors while staring back in utter disgustReddit/Waifer2016

The cat stormed off to think evil thoughts about the stupid human she was forced to live with

The cat stormed off to think evil thoughts about the stupid human she was forced to live withReddit/Waifer2016

Having a cat can make for a very fulfilling connection as they instantly give you an outlet for play and enjoyment while also calming you. Cats are independent creatures that like to forage and explore on their own schedules, but they are also incredibly loving toward their owners and other individuals they can rely on.

Although their larger ancestors ruled the jungle, domestic cats unquestionably rule the home, and they take great pride in their position of authority. Sometimes, they even misuse it.

As usual, the comments rolled in and we've gathered them for you to know what other Redditors thought about OP's story.

Cats do have personalities so they are a person

Cats do have personalities so they are a personReddit/Waifer2016

This Redditor likes the way OP told the story of the cat

This Redditor likes the way OP told the story of the catReddit/Waifer2016

The OP says that cat prefers to go outside to do her business

The OP says that cat prefers to go outside to do her businessReddit/Waifer2016

The OP refers to cat as furry little people

The OP refers to cat as furry little peopleReddit/Waifer2016

This Redditor wants to know if the cat wanted to go outside for leisure

This Redditor wants to know if the cat wanted to go outside for leisureReddit/Waifer2016

It goes without saying that the cat is the head of the household and you comply with their guidelines at all times. You clean up after their hairball accidents, scoop their poop, and feed them when they scream for more food, even after they have already eaten.

After all, how could you say no to a face that adorable? Well, the OP did and they paid the price for it.
